Ongoing interest in brain ischemia research has provided data showing that ischemia may be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. Brain ischemia in the rat produces a stereotyped pattern of selectiv e neuronal degeneration, which mimics early Alzheimer disease pathology. The objective of this study was to further develop an d characterize cardiac arrest model in rats, which provides practical way to analyze Alzheimer- type neurodegeneration. Rats were made ischemic by cardiac arrest. Blood-brain barrier (BBB) insufficiency, accumulation of different parts of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and platelets inside and outside BBB vessels were investigated in ischemic brain up to 1-year survival. Isch emic brain tissue demonstrated haphazard BBB changes. Toxic fr agments of APP deposits were associated with the BBB vessels. Moreover our study revealed platelet aggregates in- and outside BBB vessels. Toxic parts of APP and platelet aggregates correlated very well with BBB permeability. Progressive injury of the ischemic brain parenchyma may be caused not only by a degeneration of neurons destroyed during ischemia but also by chronic damage in BBB. Chronic ischemic BBB insufficiency with accumulation of toxic components of APP in the brain tissue perivascular space, may gradually over a lifetime, progress to brain atrophy and to full blown Alzheimer-type pathology., M. Jabłoński., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Adhesive polymatroids were defined by F. Matúš motivated by entropy functions. Two polymatroids are adhesive if they can be glued together along their joint part in a modular way; and are one-adhesive, if one of them has a single point outside their intersection. It is shown that two polymatroids are one-adhesive if and only if two closely related polymatroids have joint extension. Using this result, adhesive polymatroid pairs on a five-element set are characterized., Laszlo Csirmaz., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
In this paper we focus on one-point (point-valued) solutions for transferable utility games (TU-games). Since each allocated profit vector is identified with an additive game, a solution can be regarded as a mapping which associates an additive game with each TU-game. Recently Kultti and Salonen proposed a minimum norm problem to find the best approximation in the set of efficient additive games for a given TU-game. They proved some interesting properties of the obtained solution. However, they did not show how to choose the inner product defining the norm to obtain a special class of solutions such as the Shapley value and more general random order values. In this paper, noting that there is a one-to-one correspondence between a game and a Harsanyi dividend vector, we propose a minimum norm problem in the dividend space, not in the game space. Since the dividends for any set with more than one elements are all zero for an additive game, our approach enables us to deal with simpler problems. We will make clear how to choose an inner product, i. e., a positive definite symmetric matrix, to obtain a Harsanyi payoff vector, a random order value and the Shapley value.
Mitral allografts are still used only exceptionally in the mitral or tricuspid position. The main indication remains infectious endocarditis of atrioventricular valves for its flexibility and low risk of infection. The aim of our study was to evaluate 1-year results of mitral allografts transplantation into the tricuspid position in a sheep model. Mitral allografts were processed, cryopreserved, a nd transplanted into the tricuspid position anatomically (Group I - 11 animals) or antianatomically (Group II - 8 animals). All survivors (4 from Group I, and 3 from Group II) were checked at 3, 6, and 12 months by echocardiography with the exception of one survivor from Group II (which was examinated only visually). Examination throughout follow-up included for mitral allograft regurgitation and annuli dilatation. At postmortem, the papillary muscles were healed and firmly anchored to the right ventricular wall in all subjects. Transventricular fixation of the papillary muscles with buttressed sutures was proven to be a stable, reproducible, and safe method for anchoring mitral allograft leaflets. There were no significant differences between the two implan tation methods. Annulus support of mitral allografts might be very useful in this type of operation and could prevent annular dilatation., A. Mokracek, J. Canadyova, Z. Simunkova, R. Fiala, M. Hmirak, M. Sulda, J. Burkert, J. Tintera, P. Kobylka, J. Spatenka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Přehledné sdělení shrnuje současné přístupy k detekci onemocnění ledvinného parenchymu v dětském věku, zaměřuje se na výhody ultrazvukového vyšetření a ukazuje na indikace výpočetní tomografie a magnetické rezonance., The manuskript reviewed current approaches in detection of the renal parenchyma diseases in children, focuses the advantages of the ultrasound imaging and pointed the indications of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging., and Zdeňka Ráčilová, Jarmila Skotáková, Ivana Červinková, Marcela Charvátová, Denisa Pavlovská, Zdeněk Pavlovský
Onemocnění štítné žlázy je ve starším věku diagnostikováno až u 25 % osob, především se nachází uzlová přestavba nejen ve strumě, ale i v nezvětšené štítné žláze. Tyto změny, často jako důsledek degenerativnich změn, bývají náhodně diagnostikovány při vyšetření krku ultrazvukem při vyšetřování karotid. Překvapivě často je při cíleném vyšetření starší populace diagnostikována porucha tyreoidální funkce, častěji hypotyreóza, a to až u 10-15 % žen starších 65 let. Jak subklinické, tak i hypotyreózy s klinickými projevy unikají pozornosti díky nenápadnému a pozvolnému průběhu, často imitujícími příznaky stárnutí. Příslušná substituční léčba je nezbytná, vyžaduje však zpočátku dobrou spolupráci s pacientem a častější kontroly zvláště u osob s postižením srdce. Tyreotoxikóza je u starších osob méně častá, nicméně při nálezu nodózní strumy a dysrytmií je (sub)klinická tyreotoxikóza pravděpodobná. Negativní dopad nedostatečně léčené tyreotoxikózy především na oběhový aparát a na skelet je prokázán, proto je zapotřebí tyto osoby léčit definitivně, tj. operad nebo radiojodem. Vyvolání poruchy tyreoidální funkce (tyreotoxikózy nebo hypotyreózy) podáváním amiodaronu je až u 10 % takto léčených, léčba cytokiny (interferon) z onkologické či jiné indikace má obdobné důsledky. Doporučujeme proto u léčených starších osob monitorování tyreoidální funkce. Vzhledem k častější incidenci tyreopatií u osob s diabetes mellitus I. typu má být vyšetření tyreoidální funkce provedeno opakovaně. O doporučení screeningu dysfunkce tyreoidey u starší populace při pravidelných prohlídkách u praktických lékařů se nyní vedou diskuse., About 25 % of people are diagnosed with thyroid disease in older age-groups, most frequently nodular changes are to be found, not only in patients with goitre but in those with the thyroid gland of normal size .These changes - which are often the result of degenerative process - are usually diagnosed by chance during ultrasound of the neck for carotid examination. Ssurprisingly frequent is the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction during deliberate examination in the older populaťion; hypothyroidism is the most common, in up to 10-15 % older females 65+. Like subclinical forms, even hypothyroidism with clinical symptoms is underdiagnosed in elderly because of its inconspicuous and gradual development which mimics the symptoms of ageing. Appropriate substitution therapy is necessary. However, in older people more frequent check-ups particularly in those with cardiac disease and monitoring of patient's compliance is recommended. Thyrotoxicosis is less frequent among older people. Nevetheless when nodal goiter and dysrhythmia are discovered, it is also likely that (sub)clinical thyrotoxicosis is present. The negative impact of insufficiently treated thyrotoxicosis particularly on the circulatory system and bones has been proven. Therefore it is necessary to treat these persons thoroughly, i.e., by operation or radioiodine. Problems with the thyroid function (thyrotoxicosis or hypothyrosis) due to amiodaron treatment develop in up to 10% of treated patients; treatment with cytokins (e.g. interferon) in oncological or other indilarly in older age-groups. In view of the more frequent incidence of thyropathy in persons with diabetes mellitus 1. type, examination of the thyroid function should be carried out repeatedly in older diabetics. Screening for thyroid dysfunction in older persons during regular bi-annual check-up at primary care is now under discussion., Zdenka Límanová, Lit: 8, and Souhrn: eng
Náplní sdělení je, na pozadí rozboru diagnostiky a léčby vlastních tří nemocných, podání současných poznatků o poměrně vzácném a v běžné klinické praxi opomíjeném onemocnění, vyznačujícím se depozicí lehkého řetězce imunoglobulinu v tkáních životně důležitých orgánů. Onemocnění z depozice lehkých řetězců imunoglobulinu postihuje především ledviny a vede k progresivní poruše funkce s konečným orgánovým selháním. Kromě etiopatogeneze, odlišení idiopatické formy od formy provázející mnohočetný myelom a vzácně i jiné B-lymfoproliferativní stavy, je nastíněna problematika klinických projevů, diagnostiky, diferenciální diagnostiky a terapie včetně přínosu biologické léčby bortezomibem a vysokodávkované chemoterapie s podporou autologních kmenových buněk, vedoucí k podstatnému zlepšení kvality i celkové délky života nemocných s touto prognosticky stále závažnou nemocí., The aim of the paper within the background of the diagnostics and treatment of three patients is the summary of recent knowledge about a relatively rare disease which is characterized by the deposition of immunoglobulin light chains in vital tissues and organs, especially the kidneys, leading to progressive deterioration of their function with end stage organ failure. We demonstrate the etiopathogenesis a differentiation of idiopathic form of the disease from the form accompanying multiple myeloma or other B-lymphoproliferative diseases, the clinical manifestation, diagnostics and differential diagnostics and therapy as well as the contribution of biological treatment using bortezomib and high dosed chemotherapy with the support of autologous stem cell transplantation, leading to a substantial improvement of the quality of life and overall survival in patients with this prognostically unfavorable disease., Ščudla V., Tichý T., Minařík J., Pika T., Krejčí K., Zadražil J., and Literatura 38
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