Detekce karcinomu ledviny v nižším stadiu (tzv. downstaging) a větší zkušenosti s technikou nefron šetřící operace přispěly k širšímu využití tohoto výkonu a rozšíření jeho indikace pro léčbu větších tumorů kůry ledvinné a anatomicky obtížně dosažitelných tumorů. Dlouhodobé údaje prokazují, že parciální resekce ledviny dosahuje srovnatelných onkologických výsledků jako radikální nefrektomie. Parciální resekce ledviny však umožňuje lépe zachovat funkci ledviny a je spojena s menším rizikem chronického postižení ledvin. V uplynulých letech jsme zaznamenali vzestup minimálně invazivních operačních technik, jako jsou laparoskopická a roboticky asistovaná operace. Podle nashromážděných údajů dosahují tyto techniky spolehlivých onkologických a funkčních výsledků i výsledků v doméně morbidity., The downstage migration of kidney cancer and the gained expertise in surgical techniquehave contributed to a wider utilization of nephron sparing surgery and an expansion of its indications to include renal cortical tumors of larger size and in difficult anatomical locations. Long-term data have shown that partial nephrectomy provide comparable oncological outcomes as radical nephrectomy. Partial nephrectomy however, is associated with better renal function preservation and lower risk of chronic kidney disease. In recent years the application of minimally invasive surgical techniques such as laparoscopy and robotic assistance is on the rise. The accumulated data shows sound oncological, functional and morbidity outcomes with these new technologies., and Vilaseca A., Nguyen D. P., Ganau Ituren A., Pérez-Seoane Ballester H., Corradi R. B., Touijer K. A.
ParCorFull is a parallel corpus annotated with full coreference chains that has been created to address an important problem that machine translation and other multilingual natural language processing (NLP) technologies face -- translation of coreference across languages. Our corpus contains parallel texts for the language pair English-German, two major European languages. Despite being typologically very close, these languages still have systemic differences in the realisation of coreference, and thus pose problems for multilingual coreference resolution and machine translation. Our parallel corpus covers the genres of planned speech (public lectures) and newswire. It is richly annotated for coreference in both languages, including annotation of both nominal coreference and reference to antecedents expressed as clauses, sentences and verb phrases. This resource supports research in the areas of natural language processing, contrastive linguistics and translation studies on the mechanisms involved in coreference translation in order to develop a better understanding of the phenomenon.
Ageing and its affect on life attributes have not been widely explored in ladybirds. The present study investigates the influence of female and male age at mating on the reproductive attributes of the ladybird beetle, Coelophora saucia (Mulsant). All reproductive attributes, viz. fecundity, percentage egg hatch, pre-oviposition, oviposition and post-oviposition periods were found to be influenced by the ages of both females and males at mating. This is unlike the results of previous studies on ladybirds, where male age was found to influence only percentage egg hatch. The influence of male age at mating on fecundity and reproductive periods is probably due to age influenced variation in seminal proteins, which influence fecundity and when the eggs are laid.
Parental care in which females attend their offspring is recorded in over 30 species of ground beetles. Despite this, there is no quantitative data on the fate of the offspring when the mother is experimentally removed. This paper investigates parental care in Pterostichus anthracinus (Coleoptera: Carabidae). The objectives of the study were to estimate: (1) egg survival when the female is removed; (2) the ability of females to defend their eggs from attack by predators; (3) the ability of females to repair a damaged nest in which egg attendance takes place. In the laboratory, the reproductive activity of P. anthracinus lasted four months (from May till August) and peaked in late June. Mean (± SE) number of eggs in each clutch was 25.25 ± 2.19. All of the egg clutches were guarded by a female. Female attendance had no effect on egg mortality due to microbial attack. The duration of embryonic development lasted on average 5.2–5.3 days, and did not differ between the groups with and without maternal care. In P. anthracinus maternal care is important in preventing egg mortality due to predators. In the laboratory the percentage mortality of eggs without maternal care due to predators was 100%. In the group in which females attended their eggs, percentage mortality of offspring due to predation was about 51%. Female ability to repair damaged nests is important in preventing dehydration and reducing predation pressure. This laboratory study provides the fi rst quantitative data on the importance of maternal care in ground beetles in determining the survival of their offspring.
Metabolic syndrome is a prevalent disease resulting from an interplay of genomic component and the exposome. Parental diet has been shown to affect offspring metabolic health via multiple epigenetic mechanisms. Excess carbohydrate intake is one of the driving forces of the obesity and metabolic syndrome pandemics. This review summarizes the evidence for the effects of maternal carbohydrate (fructose, sucrose, glucose) overnutrition on the modulation of metabolic syndrome components in the offspring. Despite substantial discrepancies in experimental design, common effects of maternal carbohydrate overnutrition include increased body weight and hepatic lipid content of the "programmed" offspring. However, the administration of sucrose to several rat models leads to apparently favorable metabolic outcomes. Moreover, there is evidence for the role of genomic background in modulating the metabolic programming effect in the form of nutri-epigenomic interaction. Comprehensive, robust studies are needed to resolve the temporal, sex-specific, genetic, epigenetic and nutritional aspects of parental overnutrition in the intergenerational and transgenerational pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome.
In order to investigate the ability of infective larvae of the nematode Baylisascaris transfuga (Rudolphi, 1819) Sprent, 1968 to hatch from the egg-shells and then to migrate in tissues, parenteral infections of mice with embryonated eggs were performed. Two groups of outbred albino mice were infected with approximately 3500 B. transfuga infective eggs sub-cutaneously (SC) or intraperitoneally (IP). B. transfuga larvae in the IP group rapidly hatched and migrated to the intestine, liver, lungs, brain and carcass. Subcutaneous inoculation of eggs was followed also by migration of hatched larvae in the examined organs. In the SC mice, extensive encapsulating reactions involving the subcutaneous tissues and carcass, and containing large numbers of hatched eggs and free motile larvae, were found at the sites of inoculation. Some differences in the migratory behaviour were observed between the two groups. It is shown that B. transfuga infective larvae are able to hatch and migrate in tissues of mice, and tend to settle and/or to be trapped in the intestinal wall and muscles, even after parenteral inoculations of embryonated eggs. These results could provide basic data for further investigations on the migratory pathways of B. transfuga larvae or to perform immunological and therapeutical studies.
The article considers the issue of how the Czech legal order deals with homosexual couples and homo-parental families. The authors predominantly focus on the subject of assisted reproduction. Using the example of the legal order of United Kingdom, where the legal regulation provides the possibility to undergoassisted reproduction to nearly anybody, the authors analyse the Czech legal order and the changes introduced by the New Civil Code.
The effects of weather and individual attributes of the broods in the local population of tawny owl Strix aluco on recruitment were studied in the Duna-Ipoly National Park, Hungary (47º35’ N; 19º02’ E) in 1992–2007. In harsh breeding conditions, with many snowy days, the parents’ body condition was low and they were able to raise only few fledglings. Nevertheless, the few fledglings remaining in this reduced broods left them in better condition and had a greater chance to be recruits than offspring which fledged in mild seasons, with many siblings, from broods raised by the parents in good condition. Parents produced most male recruits in adverse breeding seasons, when one offspring fledged from the broods, but raised most female recruits in mild breeding years, when two offspring left the broods. Sex related differences in the recruitment of a local population of tawny owls are discussed with a focus on environmental effects.