We provide the Vietnamese version of the multi-lingual test set from WMT 2013 [1] competition. The Vietnamese version was manually translated from English. For completeness, this record contains the 3000 sentences in all the WMT 2013 original languages (Czech, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish), extended with our Vietnamese version. Test set is used in [2] to evaluate translation between Czech, English and Vietnamese.
1. http://www.statmt.org/wmt13/evaluation-task.html
2. Duc Tam Hoang and Ondřej Bojar, The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics. Volume 104, Issue 1, Pages 75--86, ISSN 1804-0462. 9/2015
Training, development and text data (the same used for the Sentence-level Quality Estimation task) consist in English-German triplets (source, target and post-edit) belonging to the IT domain and already tokenized.
Training and development respectively contain 12,000 and 1,000 triplets, while the test set 2,000 instances. All data is provided by the EU project QT21 (http://www.qt21.eu/).
Training, development and test data consist in German sentences belonging to the IT domain and already tokenized. These sentences are the references of the data released for the 2016 edition of the WMT APE shared task. Differently from the data previously released, these sentences are obtained by manually translating the source sentence without leveraging the raw mt outputs. Training and development respectively contain 12,000 and 1,000 segments, while the test set 2,000 items. All data is provided by the EU project QT21 (http://www.qt21.eu/).
Training and development data for the WMT16 QE task. Test data will be published as a separate item.
This shared task will build on its previous four editions to further examine automatic methods for estimating the quality of machine translation output at run-time, without relying on reference translations. We include word-level, sentence-level and document-level estimation. The sentence and word-level tasks will explore a large dataset produced from post-editions by professional translators (as opposed to crowdsourced translations as in the previous year). For the first time, the data will be domain-specific (IT domain). The document-level task will use, for the first time, entire documents, which have been human annotated for quality indirectly in two ways: through reading comprehension tests and through a two-stage post-editing exercise. Our tasks have the following goals:
- To advance work on sentence and word-level quality estimation by providing domain-specific, larger and professionally annotated datasets.
- To study the utility of detailed information logged during post-editing (time, keystrokes, actual edits) for different levels of prediction.
- To analyse the effectiveness of different types of quality labels provided by humans for longer texts in document-level prediction.
This year's shared task provides new training and test datasets for all tasks, and allows participants to explore any additional data and resources deemed relevant. A in-house MT system was used to produce translations for the sentence and word-level tasks, and multiple MT systems were used to produce translations for the document-level task. Therefore, MT system-dependent information will be made available where possible.