Digital copies of historical botanic papers from the Missouri Botanical Garden Library; Bilddigitalisate von historischen botanischen Schriften; deutschsprachige Texte stellen nur einen Teilbereich dar
"A scholarly edition of Aquinas's Opera omnia, with a lexical database, a dictionary, two collection of historical sources, and an extensive bibliography."
Digital copies of historical books and journals from the ULB Münster; collections from the region of Westphalia; Bilddigitalisate von Büchern und Zeitschriften aus dem historischen Bestand der ULB Münster sowie Sammlungen aus der Region Westfalen
Philosophical texts of the 18th century: Full text of the authoritative "Akademie-Ausgabe" (excluding most footnotes and editorial notes) and reference texts like A.G. Baumgarten's "Metaphysica".
As a sub-section of MATEO, MARABU (Mannheimer Reihe Altes Buch) includes illustrated books, (manu)scripts and texts on the history of the Electoral Palatinate. Als Unterkategorie von MATEO beinhaltet MARABU (Mannheimer Reihe Altes Buch) illustrierte Bücher, Handschriften und Rarissima, Quellen zur Geschichte der Kurpfalz sowie Beiträge über Frauen des Humanismus.
Possibility to download or to browse free electronic books; Angebot: Download von und Online-Zugang zu frei verfügbaren E-Books; deutschsprachige Literatur stellt nur einen Teilbereich der verfügbaren E-Books dar
i.a. collection of old herbal books, old cookery books and texts on the history of German language in print media; u.a. eine Sammlung von alten Kräuterbüchern, alten Kochbüchern und Texten zur Geschichte der deutschen Pressesprache
The Thesaurus linguae Latinae is the first comprehensive dictionary of ancient Latin;
• it is compiled on the basis of all Latin texts surviving from antiquity (until AD 600), both literary and non-literary
• for less common words it cites every attestation, for the rest (those marked with an asterisk) an instructive and representative sample
• it records all meanings (including technical usages) and all constructions
• it documents peculiarities of inflection, spelling, and prosody
• it supplies information about the etymology of the Latin words and their survival in the Romance languages, contributed by recognised authorities in the fields of Indo-European and Romance studies
• it collects the comments of ancient sources on the word in question
The Thesaurus therefore offers for every Latin word a comprehensive, richly documented picture of its possibilities and history – not only for Latin scholars, but also for scholars of the various branches of ancient studies and for related disciplines.