Tokenizer, POS Tagger, Lemmatizer and Parser models for 94 treebanks of 61 languages of Universal Depenencies 2.5 Treebanks, created solely using UD 2.5 data ( The model documentation including performance can be found at .
To use these models, you need UDPipe binary version at least 1.2, which you can download from .
In addition to models itself, all additional data and value of hyperparameters used for training are available in the second archive, allowing reproducible training.
Tokenizer, POS Tagger, Lemmatizer and Parser models for 99 treebanks of 63 languages of Universal Depenencies 2.6 Treebanks, created solely using UD 2.6 data ( The model documentation including performance can be found at .
To use these models, you need UDPipe version 2.0, which you can download from .
Universal Derivations (UDer) is a collection of harmonized lexical networks capturing word-formation, especially derivational relations, in a cross-linguistically consistent annotation scheme for many languages. The annotation scheme is based on a rooted tree data structure, in which nodes correspond to lexemes, while edges represent derivational relations or compounding.
The current version of the UDer collection contains eleven harmonized resources covering eleven different languages.
Universal Derivations (UDer) is a collection of harmonized lexical networks capturing word-formation, especially derivational relations, in a cross-linguistically consistent annotation scheme for many languages. The annotation scheme is based on a rooted tree data structure, in which nodes correspond to lexemes, while edges represent derivational relations or compounding. The current version of the UDer collection contains twenty-seven harmonized resources covering twenty different languages.
Universal Derivations (UDer) is a collection of harmonized lexical networks capturing word-formation, especially derivational relations, in a cross-linguistically consistent annotation scheme for many languages. The annotation scheme is based on a rooted tree data structure, in which nodes correspond to lexemes, while edges represent derivational relations or compounding. The current version of the UDer collection contains thirty-one harmonized resources covering twenty-one different languages.
Universal Segmentations (UniSegments) is a collection of lexical resources capturing morphological segmentations harmonised into a cross-linguistically consistent annotation scheme for many languages. The annotation scheme consists of simple tab-separated columns that stores a word and its morphological segmentations, including pieces of information about the word and the segmented units, e.g., part-of-speech categories, type of morphs/morphemes etc. The current public version of the collection contains 38 harmonised segmentation datasets covering 30 different languages.
A set of corpora for 120 languages automatically collected from wikipedia and the web.
Collected using the W2C toolset: