OLiMPiC: OpenScore Lieder Linearized MusicXML Piano Corpus is a dataset containing synthetic and scanned images of pianoform music scores. The scores and the scanned images originate from the OpenScore Lieder Corpus https://github.com/OpenScore/Lieder .
OLiMPiC contains the scores in MusicXML and Linearized MusicXML encoding, suitable for evaluation with the TEDn metric. The official train/dev/test split is also provided.
(Statement of Responsibility) von Carl Maria Weber, (Ownership) Provenience: Johann Tögel, Klášter minoritů Český Krumlov CZ-CbJVK, and (Version Identification) Nro 18, I CZ-CbJVK
(Statement of Responsibility) composée par A. Boieldieu ; arrangée En Quatuor pour deux Violons, Viole et Violoncelle par Alexandre Poessinger, (Ownership) Provenience: J. Wendelin Tögel, Klášter minoritů Český Krumlov CZ-CbJVK, and (Version Identification) bez značek CZ-CbJVK
(Statement of Responsibility) von Lannoy, Torzo, obsahuje party Violino I, Violino II, Violino III, Viola, chybí part Violon, (Ownership) Provenience: Fr. Pokorný CZ-CbJVK, and (Version Identification) bez značek CZ-CbJVK
(Ownership) Provenience: Klášter minoritů (Český Krumlov, Česko), Hudební spolek bohoslovců v Č. Budějovicích, Rosenkranz, Václav Josef and (Version Identification) a 6
(Statement of Responsibility) Georges Onslow, 4 instrumentální party (Violino Primo, Violino Secondo, Viola, Violoncello, (Ownership) Provenience: neznámá CZ-CbJVK, and (Version Identification) bez značek CZ-CbJVK