(Statement of Responsibility) composées et de diées A Monsieur le Comte par son maitre Fr. Max Kníže, (Ownership) Provenience: neznámá CZ-CbJVK, and (Version Identification) bez značek CZ-CbJVK
The dataset with 409,679 images belonging to 772 snake species from 188 countries and all continents (386,006 images with labels targeted for development and 23,673 images without labels for testing). In addition, we provide a simple train/val (90% / 10%) split to validate preliminary results while ensuring the same species distributions. Furthermore, we prepared a compact subset (70,208 images) for fast prototyping. The test set data consists of 23,673 images submitted to the iNaturalist platform within the "first four months of 2021.
All data were gathered from online biodiversity platforms (i.e., iNaturalist, HerpMapper) and further extended by data scraped from Flickr. The provided dataset has a heavy long-tailed class distribution, where the most frequent species (Thamnophis sirtalis) is represented by 22,163 images and the least frequent by just 10 (Achalinus formosanus).
The segment shows the Bakulův ústav pro výchovu životem a prací (Bakula Institute for Education through Life and Work) in Prague's Smíchov district. The first-ever film footage of the physically disabled writer František Filip, known as the Handless Frantík. František Bakula conducting his choir Bakula's Little Singers (Bakulovi zpěváčci).
(Statement of Responsibility) composes et Dédies á Monsieur Le Comte de Browne, Brigadier et Service de S. M. J. de touttes les Russies and (Ownership) Provenience: Wendelin Tögel, Klášter minoritů Český Krumlov CZ-CbJVK