Frege argues that considering Socrates as an object in the proposition “Socrates exists” raises two problems. First, this proposition would be uninformative. Second, its negation entails a contradiction. Attempting to solve these problems, Frege claims that Socrates is representing the concept of a man whose name is Socrates. Therefore, existence is a second-order concept. This paper surveys the main modern theories about the types of existence, in order to find another response to Frege’s problems. For, if Socrates’ existence differs from the type that “exists” implies, “Socrates exists” is informative and its negation is not a contradiction. At last, this paper argues for an idea, in which “existence” is not a concept or property. Existence is the principle of the objects. So, “Socrates exists” is in fact “the existence is Socrates,” and “Socrates does not exist” is “there is no existence that be Socrates.” This idea could be an alternative for responding to Frege’s problems.
This paper focuses on three theories of personal identity that incorporate the idea that personal identity is the result of a person’s adopting certain attitudes towards certain mental states and actions. I call these theories subjective theories of personal identity. I argue that it is not clear what the proponents of these theories mean by “personal identity”. On standard theories, such as animalism or psychological theories, the term “personal identity” refers to the numerical identity of persons and its analysis provides the persistence conditions for persons. I argue that if the subjective theories purport to provide a criterion of numerical personal identity, they fail. A different interpretation may suggest that they purport to provide a non-numerical type of identity for the purpose of providing plausible analyses of certain identity-related practical concerns. I argue that the criteria the subjective theories provide fail to capture several of the identity-related concerns. As a result, this interpretation must be rejected as well., Tato práce se zaměřuje na tři teorie osobní identity, které zahrnují myšlenku, že osobní identita je výsledkem toho, že člověk přijímá určité postoje k určitým duševním stavům a činnostem. Tyto teorie nazývám subjektivními teoriemi osobní identity. Tvrdím, že není jasné, co zastánci těchto teorií znamenají „osobní identitou“. Na standardních teoriích, jako jsou zvířecí nebo psychologické teorie, se termín „osobní identita“ vztahuje na numerickou identitu osob a její analýza poskytuje podmínky vytrvalosti pro osoby. Tvrdím, že pokud subjektivní teorie mají za cíl poskytnout kritérium numerické osobní identity, neuspějí. Jiný výklad může naznačovat, že mají za cíl poskytnout nečíselný typ identity za účelem poskytnutí věrohodných analýz určitých praktických problémů souvisejících s identitou. Tvrdím, že kritéria subjektivních teorií nedokážou zachytit několik problémů souvisejících s identitou. V důsledku toho musí být tento výklad rovněž zamítnut., and Radim Bělohrad
Cieľ: Cieľom medzinárodnej prierezovej štúdie bolo zhodnotiť úroveň subjektívnej pohody českých a slovenských sestier a jej vzťah k dĺţke klinickej praxe a ich uvaţovaniu o odchode z pracoviska, profesie sestry a do zahraničia. Metodika: Výskumný súbor tvorilo 1055 sestier pracujúcich v lôţkových zariadeniach. Subjektívnu pohodu sestier sme hodnotili prostredníctvom Indexu osobnej pohody a Škály emocionálnej, habituálnej subjektívnej pohody. Rozdiely v subjektívnej pohode sme zisťovali jednorozmernou analýzou rozptylu (ANOVA), na zistenie závislosti medzi premennými sme pouţili Pearsonov korelačný koeficient. Výsledky: České sestry častejšie preţívali pozitívne a menej často negatívne emócie (afektívny komponent subjektívnej pohody) v porovnaní so slovenskými sestrami. Ţivotná spokojnosť (kognitívny komponent subjektívnej pohody) bola na úrovni 60 – 70 % maxima stupnice, typického pre "nezápadné" krajiny (65,02; SD 15,80 - české sestry; 63,80; SD 16,43 - slovenské sestry). Štatisticky významné rozdiely v ţivotnej spokojnosti medzi uvedenými skupinami sestier sa nepreukázali. Subjektívna pohoda sestier sa negatívne spájala rokmi praxe, ako aj úvahami o odchode z pracoviska, z ošetrovateľskej profesie a odchode pracovať do zahraničia. U slovenských sestier sa preukázali silnejšie vzťahy medzi jednotlivými komponentmi subjektívnej pohody a ich uvaţovaním o odchode. Záver: Výsledky štúdie reflektujú zvyšujúcu sa pracovnú neistotu sestier, ktorú zaznamenávame v oboch krajinách v posledných rokoch. Ďalší výskum by sa mal zameriavať na identifikáciu ďalších faktorov, predovšetkým z oblasti pracovných podmienok, ktoré môţu významne vplývať na subjektívnu pohodu sestier., Aim: The aim of this international cross-sectional survey was to investigate subjective well-being of Czech and Slovak nurses and its relationship with years of experience and leaving intentions. Methods: The sample for study consisted of 1055 hospital staff nurses from Czech and Slovak Republics. The data were collected using a set of questionnaires that included the Positive Affect Scale, the Negative Affect Scale, and Personal Wellbeing Index. For determining the associations and correlations between variables, the parametric Pearson correlations were used. For group comparisons one way ANOVA procedure was performed. Results: Czech nurses experienced more positive affect and less negative affect than Slovak nurses. We did not find the statistical significant difference in life satisfaction (a cognitive component of subjective well-being) between Czech and Slovak nurses. Life satisfaction has been within the range of 60–70% SM found for Western populations (65.02; SD 15.80 - Czech nurses; 63.80; 16.43 - Slovak nurses). Subjective well-being correlated negatively with years of experience and leaving intentions. The stronger relationship between subjective well-being and leaving intentions was in Slovak nurses. Conclusions: The results of the study reflect an increased job insecurity of Czech and Slovak nurses. Future research should focus on investigation of other factors of subjective well-being, mainly from the area of work conditions., Elena Gurková, Katarína Žiaková, Mária Sováriová Soósová, Silvie Haroková, Radka Šerfelová, Slávka Mrosková, and Literatura
The lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks,l, is the soil property that mostly governs subsurface flow in
hillslopes. Determinations of Ks,l at the hillslope scale are expected to yield valuable information for interpreting and
modeling hydrological processes since soil heterogeneities are functionally averaged in this case. However, these data
are rare since the experiments are quite difficult and costly. In this investigation, that was carried out in Sardinia (Italy),
large-scale determinations of Ks,l were done in two adjacent hillslopes covered by a Mediterranean maquis and grass, respectively,
with the following objectives: i) to evaluate the effect of land use change on Ks,l, and ii) to compare estimates
of Ks,l obtained under natural and artificial rainfall conditions. Higher Ks,l values were obtained under the maquis than in
the grassed soil since the soil macropore network was better connected in the maquis soil. The lateral conductivity increased
sharply close to the soil surface. The sharp increase of Ks,l started at a larger depth for the maquis soil than the
grassed one. The Ks,l values estimated during artificial rainfall experiments agreed with those obtained during the natural
rainfall periods. For the grassed site, it was possible to detect a stabilization of Ks,l in the upper soil layer, suggesting that
flow transport capacity of the soil pore system did not increase indefinitely. This study highlighted the importance of the
experimental determination of Ks,l at the hillslope scale for subsurface modeling, and also as a benchmark for developing
appropriate sampling methodologies based on near-point estimation of Ks,l.
Prevalencia a incidencia chronických i akútnych vénových cievnych chorôb je globálne veľmi vysoká v priemyslovo rozvinutých i rozvojových krajinách. Vénové choroby dolných končatín sú aktuálne integrálnou súčasťou smrtiacej angiopandémie 3. milénia. Najzávažnejšie prípady s pokročilým štádiom vénového zlyhávania sú v populácii asi v dvojnásobnom počte (2,1 %) voči do nedávno známym údajom. Mikronizovaná purifikovaná flavonoidná frakcia (MPFF) diosmín hesperidínu zostáva medzi venofarmakmi preparátom s najvyšším stupňom odporúčaní a indikovaná je aj k farmakoterapeutickej podpore hojenia vredov predkolenia, spolu so sulodexidom a pentoxifylínom. Kompresívna skleroterapia roztokom alebo penou je účinná a bezpečná invazívna metóda liečby telangiektázií, retikulárnych vén a varixov. Nové priame orálne antikoagulanciá predstavujú jednu z možností terapie a prevencie hĺbkovej vénovej trombózy (HVT) a vénovej tromboembólie (VTE) s limitáciou u pacientov s malígnymi chorobami a v gravidite. Najefektívnejšia je trojaká simultánna farmako-kinezio-mechano-flebotromboemboloprofylaxia. Povrchové vénové trombózy dlhšie než 5 cm sú tiež indikované na antikoagulačnú liečbu., The prevalence and the incidence of chronic and acute venous vascular disease has been shown to be globally very high, in both industrialized and developing countries. Chronic venous diseases of lower extremities are being an integral part of the third millennium´s deadly angiopandemy, at the present time. The rate of the most severe cases with advanced stage of venous failure is approximately twice as high in the population (2.1 %) as has been assumed so far. Among venoactive drugs (VAD), micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF) of diosmin hesperidin remains the agent with the highest degree of recommendation and it also indicated to pharmacotherapeutical support of leg ulcer healing, along with sulodexide and pentoxifylline. Compressive sclerotherapy, liquid or foam, is a safe and effective invasive method to treat telangiectasias, reticular varicose veins and subcutaneous varicose veins. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) represent one of the therapeutic and preventive options of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and of venous thromboembolism (VTE) with a limitation in patients with malignant conditions and in pregnancy. The most effective is triple simultaneous pharmaco-kinezio-mechano-phlebothromboemboloprophylaxis. Superficial vein thromboses longer than 5 cm are indicated to anticoagulant therapy too., and Peter Gavorník, Andrej Dukát, Ľudovít Gašpar, Eva Gavorníková
The aim of the paper is to investigate, from the point of view of philosophy of science and philosophy of social science, the turn in the ape language project as accomplished in the works of Sue Savage- Rumbaugh and her collaborators. In this project took place a highly interesting turn from the orientation of research on natural sciences to that on humanities. We shall analyze all the relevant works of Savage-Rumbaugh from the point of view of the two central levels of ALP: its scientific level and the methodological level., Cílem příspěvku je z hlediska filosofie vědy a filosofie společenských věd zkoumat obrat v projektu lidoopského jazyka, který byl realizován v dílech Sue Savage-Rumbaugh a jejích spolupracovníků. V tomto projektu se odehrál velmi zajímavý obrat od orientace výzkumu přírodních věd na humanitní vědy. Budeme analyzovat všechna relevantní díla Savage-Rumbaugh z hlediska dvou ústředních úrovní ALP: jeho vědecké úrovně a metodické úrovně., and Igor Hanzel