In this paper I wish to discuss so-called principles of inheritance and the familiar claim that it leads to deontic paradoxes. By combining two such paradoxes it will be shown that inheritance amounts to a principle of explosion: supposing that in the actual world there is at least one thing that one ought to do, almost anything is something one ought to do. I will then attempt to qualify the principle of inheritance so as to avoid this and other paradoxical results., V této práci chci diskutovat o tzv. Principech dědictví a známém tvrzení, že vede k deontickým paradoxům. Spojením dvou takových paradoxů se ukáže, že dědictví se rovná principu exploze: za předpokladu, že ve skutečném světě existuje alespoň jedna věc, kterou by člověk měl udělat, téměř cokoliv by mělo být. Pak se pokusím o to, aby se princip dědičnosti kvalifikoval tak, aby se tomuto a dalším paradoxním výsledkům vyhnul., and David Botting
HPx is a multicomponent reactive transport model which uses HYDRUS as the flow and transport solver and PHREEQC-3 as the biogeochemical solver. Some recent adaptations have significantly increased the flexibility of the software for different environmental and engineering applications. This paper gives an overview of the most significant changes of HPx, such as coupling transport properties to geochemical state variables, gas diffusion, and transport in two and three dimensions. OpenMP allows for parallel computing using shared memory. Enhancements for scripting may eventually simplify input definitions and create possibilities for defining templates for generic (sub)problems. We included a discussion of root solute uptake and colloid-affected solute transport to show that most or all of the comprehensive features of HYDRUS can be extended with geochemical information. Finally, an example is used to demonstrate how HPx, and similar reactive transport models, can be helpful in implementing different factors relevant for soil organic matter dynamics in soils. HPx offers a unique framework to couple spatial-temporal variations in water contents, temperatures, and water fluxes, with dissolved organic matter and CO2 transport, as well as bioturbation processes.
We cannot definitely determine precise boundaries of application of vague terms like ''tall''. Since it is only a height of a person that determines whether that person is tall or not, we can count ''tall'' as an example of a linear vague term. That means that all objects in a range of significance of ''tall'' can be linearly ordered. Linear vague terms can be used to formulate three basic versions of the sorites paradox – the conditional sorites, the mathematical induction sorites, and the line-drawing sorites. In this paper I would like to explore a possibility of formulating sorites paradoxes with so called multi-dimensional and combinatory vague terms – terms for which it is impossible to create a linear ordering of all objects in their range of significance. Therefore, I will show which adjustments must be made and which simplifications we must accede to in order to formulate any version of the sorites paradox with multi-dimensional or combinatory vague terms. I will also show that only the conditional version of the sorites paradox can be construed with all three kinds of vague terms., Nemůžeme rozhodně určit přesné hranice aplikace neurčitých termínů jako ,,vysoký''. Jelikož je to pouze výška osoby, která určuje, zda je tato osoba vysoká nebo ne, můžeme jako příklad lineárního neurčitého termínu počítat ,,vysoký''. To znamená, že všechny objekty v rozsahu významu ,,vysokého'' mohou být lineárně uspořádány. Lineární neurčité termíny mohou být použity pro formulaci tří základních verzí paradoxů soritů - podmíněných soritů, matematických indukčních soritů a soritů pro kreslení čar. V této práci bych chtěl prozkoumat možnost formulování paradoxů soritů s takzvanými vícerozměrnými a kombinatorickými neurčitými termíny - termíny, pro které není možné vytvořit lineární uspořádání všech objektů v rozsahu jejich významu. Proto, Ukážu, jaké úpravy je třeba provést a jaká zjednodušení musíme přistoupit, abychom mohli formulovat jakoukoli verzi paradoxů soritů s vícerozměrnými nebo kombinatorickými neurčitými termíny. Ukážu také, že pouze podmíněnou verzi paradoxu soritů lze chápat se všemi třemi druhy neurčitých termínů., and Jan Štěpánek
Much recent neuroscientific work, and in particular the programme initiated by Benjamin Libet, seeks to show ''the causal closure of the physical''-that mental events never cause physical events, and in particular that our intentions never cause brain events and thereby our intentional bodily actions. But no one is justified in believing any scientific theory unless they are justified in believing that it successfully predicts certain events. Someone is justified in believing that certain events predicted by some theory did occur, if they apparently remember having perceived these events or if some other scientist apparently testifies that they have perceived these events. But we believe our apparent memories of our past perceptions of events because we believe that perceiving those events has caused brain events which have caused our present apparent memories of them; and we believe the apparent testimony of others because we believe that their intentions to testify have caused brain events in them which in turn have caused the words of their testimony to come out of their mouths. So someone could only justifiably believe the theory that mental events never cause physical events if they believe that either their past perceptions or the intentions of other scientists to tell them what they perceived, both of which are kinds of mental events, have caused brain events, which are physical events. So that theory is self-defeating; no one could ever be justified in believing it, or more generally be justified in believing the theory of the causal closure of the physical., Hodně nedávná neurovědní práce, a zejména program iniciovaný Benjaminem Libetem, se snaží ukázat ,,kauzální uzavření fyzického'' - to, že duševní události nikdy nezpůsobují fyzické události, a zejména to, že naše záměry nikdy nezpůsobují mozkové příhody a tím naše úmyslné tělesné akcí. Nikdo však není oprávněn věřit žádné vědecké teorii, pokud nejsou oprávněni věřit, že úspěšně předpovídá určité události. Někdo je oprávněn věřit, že určité události předvídané nějakou teorií se vyskytly, pokud si zřejmě pamatují, že tyto události vnímaly, nebo pokud nějaký jiný vědec zřejmě svědčí o tom, že tyto události vnímaly. Ale věříme, že naše zjevné vzpomínky na naše minulé vnímání událostí, protože jsme přesvědčeni, že vnímání těchto událostí způsobilo události mozku, které způsobily naše současné zjevné vzpomínky na ně; a věříme, že zjevné svědectví druhých, protože jsme přesvědčeni, že jejich záměry svědčit způsobily v nich mozkové události, které zase způsobily, že slova jejich svědectví vyšla z úst. Tak někdo mohl jen oprávněně věřit teorii, že duševní události nikdy nezpůsobí fyzické události, pokud se domnívají, že buď jejich minulé vnímání, nebo záměry jiných vědců, jim řekly, co vnímají, což jsou oba druhy duševních událostí, které způsobily mozkové příhody, fyzické události. Takže tato teorie je samo-porážející; nikdo nemohl být ospravedlněn, když tomu věřil,nebo obecněji být oprávněn věřit teorii kauzálního uzavření fyzické., and Richard Swinburne
It was shown that the use of biochar provides many benefits to agriculture by improving the whole complex of soil properties, including soil structure. However, the diverse range of biochar effects depends on its physicochemical properties, its application rates, soil initial properties etc. The impacts of biochar, mainly its reapplication to soils and its interaction with nitrogen in relation to water-stable aggregates (WSA) did not receive much attention to date. The aims of the study were: (1) to evaluate the effect of initial application (in spring 2014) and reapplication (in spring 2018) of different biochar rates (B0, B10 and B20 t ha–1) as well as application of biochar with N-fertilizer (40 to 240 kg N ha–1 depending on the requirement of the cultivated crop) on the content of WSA as one of the most important indicators of soil structure quality, (2) to assess the interrelationships between the contents of soil organic matter (SOM) and WSA. The study was conducted in 2017–2019 as part of the field experiment with biochar on Haplic Luvisol at the experimental station of SUA in Nitra, Slovakia. Results showed that initial application as well as reapplication of biochar improved soil structure. The most favorable changes in soil structure were found in N0B20B treatment (with biochar reapplication) at which a significantly higher content of water-stable macro-aggregates (WSAma) (+15%) as well as content of WSAma size fractions of > 5 mm, 5–3 mm, 3–2 mm and 2–1 mm (+72%, +65%, +57% and +64%, respectively) was observed compared to the control. An increase in SOM content, due to both, initial biochar application and its reapplication, significantly supported the stability of soil aggregates, while organic matter including humic substances composition did not.
Stony soils are composed of two fractions (rock fragments and fine soil) with different hydrophysical characteristics. Although stony soils are abundant in many catchments, their properties are still not well understood. This manuscript presents an application of the simple methodology for deriving water retention properties of stony soils, taking into account a correction for the soil stoniness. Variations in the water retention of the fine soil fraction and its impact on both the soil water storage and the bottom boundary fluxes are studied as well. The deterministic water flow model HYDRUS-1D is used in the study. The results indicate that the presence of rock fragments in a moderate-to-high stony soil can decrease the soil water storage by 23% or more and affect the soil water dynamics. Simulated bottom fluxes increased or decreased faster, and their maxima during the wet period were larger in the stony soil compared to the non-stony one.
The main objective of the paper was to propose and evaluate the performance of a regional approach to estimate CN values and to test the impact of different initial abstraction ratios. The curve number (CN) was analyzed for five Slovak and five Polish catchments situated in the Carpathian Mountains. The L-moment based method of Hosking and Wallis and the ANOVA test were combined to delineate the area in two homogenous regions of catchments with similar CN values. The optimization condition enabled the choice of the initial abstraction ratio, which provided the smallest discrepancy between the tabulated and estimated CNs and the antecedent runoff conditions. The homogeneity in the CN within the regions of four Slovak and four Polish catchments was revealed. Finally, the regional CN was proposed to be at the 50% quantile of the regional theoretical distribution function estimated from all the CNs in the region. The approach is applied in a group of Slovak and Polish catchments with physiographic conditions representative for the Carpathian region. The main benefit of introducing a common regional CN is the opportunity to apply this procedure in catchments of similar soil-physiographic characteristics and to verify the existing tabulated CN. The paper could give rise to an alternative way of estimating the CN values in forested catchments and catchments with a lack of data or without observations.
The layering of the soil profile can influence the accumulation of infiltrated water and the way in which subsurface runoff is formed. This paper examines a mountain podzol characterized by clearly developed soil horizons. After these horizons had been identified, distinct soil layers were defined (the eluvial horizon, the spodic horizon (undifferentiated), and weathered bedrock). Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), particle size distribution and bulk density were measured in these layers. A visualization of the distribution of infiltrated water in the podzolic profile was performed using a dye tracer experiment. The accumulation of dyed water and a distinct lateral flow were detected in the eluvial layer. Only limited entry of water into the spodic layer was observed. These effects were caused by changes in soil hydraulic properties (SHP) among the investigated layers. For the spodic horizons, the measured Ks value (crucial SHP) was significantly lower than the Ks values for the other tested horizons. The probable reason for the lower Ks was an accumulation of fine particles and various substances in the spodic horizons, and corresponding changes in the porous system. The observed effects of layering indicate that water can be accumulated and subsurface runoff can be formed over the spodic layer during intensive rain or snow melting.
The paper deals with a type of whole and part that can be found in Aquinas’ work and to which no attention has been paid so far. This type of whole and part can be called metaphysical whole and metaphysical part, respectively. In the paper, metaphysical whole and part are put forth on the problem of the logical and metaphysical structure of a common nature., Příspěvek pojednává o typu celku a jeho části, které lze nalézt v díle Akvinského a na které dosud nebyla věnována pozornost. Tento typ celku a části lze nazvat metafyzickou celou a metafyzickou částí. V příspěvku jsou metafyzický celek a jeho část uvedeny na téma logické a metafyzické struktury běžné povahy., and David Svoboda