In the current discussions about emergent entities there is a new topic in the problem of diachronic and synchronic conception of emergence. The diachronic conception emphasizes the emergence of new phenomena over time, the synchronic conception coexistence of new ''high-level'' objects or properties of existing objects or properties on a lower level. There is a general belief that these two concepts are conceptually different and yet they cannot find a unifying framework that would allow unifying them in a more general sense. I believe and I try to show that both concepts diverge and it is possible to create a unifying framework for them., V současných diskusích o vznikajících subjektech je nové téma v problematice diachronní a synchronické koncepce vzniku. Diachronické pojetí zdůrazňuje vznik nových jevů v čase, synchronické pojetí koexistence nových ,,objektů na vysoké úrovni'' nebo vlastností existujících objektů nebo vlastností na nižší úrovni. Existuje všeobecná víra, že tyto dva koncepty jsou koncepčně odlišné a přesto nemohou najít sjednocující rámec, který by je umožnil sjednotit je v obecnějším smyslu. Věřím a snažím se ukázat, že oba koncepty se liší a je možné pro ně vytvořit sjednocující rámec., and Vladimír Havlík
Pacientov s chronickým zlyhávaním ľadvín dnes pribúda a títo pacienti majú 10?20krát zvýšené riziko vzniku a progresie kardiovaskulárnych chorôb. Zvýšené kardiovaskulárne riziko u týchto pacientov nie je úplne vysvetliteľné tradičnými rizikovými faktormi, ktoré boli určené počas Framinghamskej štúdie. Naopak hovorí sa o takzvanej reverznej epidemiológii, keď výskyt obezity a hyperlipoproteinémie je asociovaný so zvýšeným prežívaním u týchto pacientov. Zvýšené riziko sa dnes vysvetľuje takzvaným MIAC syndrómom (malnutrition, inflammation, atherosclerosis, calcification) prítomným u pacientov s chronickým ochorením ľadvín (chronic kidney disease). V poslednej dobe pribúda novej evidencie o rôznych cirkulujúcich molekulách asociovaných s aterosklerózou, ktorých plazmatické hladiny sú znížené, či zvýšené u týchto pacientov a ktoré sú v určitom vzťahu k syndrómu MIAC a progresii aterosklerózy. Klinické ovplyvnenie tohto syndrómu by v budúcnosti mohlo viesť k zlepšeniu prežívania, zníženiu chorobnosti a počtu hospitalizácií týchto pacientov. Cirkulujúce molekuly by nám mohli slúžiť ako markery vypovedajúce o prítomnosti tohto syndrómu a jeho závažnosti a o úspešnosti našej liečby., Erik Mistrík, V: Bláha, S. Dusilová Sulková, and Lit. 90
Syndróm panvovej kongescie je súbor chronických symptómov (panvové bolesti, perineálne ťažkosti, urgentné močenie, postkoitálne bolesti), ktoré sú spôsobené ováriovým alebo panvovým vénovým refluxom alebo vénovou obštrukciou a môžu sa prejaviť objektívnymi znakmi, ako sú vulvové, perineálne alebo končatinové varixové vény (varixy). VEIN-TERM konsenzus je dokument vytvorený transatlantickou interdisciplínovou komisiou expertov pod záštitou najvyšších medzinárodných angiologických inštitúcií: Americké Vénové Fórum (AVF), Európske Vénové Fórum (EVF), Medzinárodná Flebologická Únia (IUP), Americké Flebologické Kolégium (ACP) a Medzinárodná Angiologická Únia (IUA). Poskytuje odporúčania pre základnú vénovú terminológiu. Projekt CIEVY AS SLK., Pelvic congestion syndrome: chronic symptoms, which may include pelvic pain, perineal heaviness, urgency of micturition, and post-coital pain, caused by ovarian and/or pelvic vein reflux and/or obstruction, and which may be associated with vulvar, perineal, and/or lower extremity varices. The VEIN-TERM consensus document was developed by a transatlantic interdisciplinary faculty of experts under the auspices of the American Venous Forum (AVF), the European Venous Forum (EVF), the International Union of Phlebology (IUP), the American College of Phlebology (ACP), and the International Union of Angiology (IUA). It provides recommendations for fundamental venous terminology. Project Vessels of AS SMC., and Peter Gavorník, Karol Holomáň, Ľudovít Gašpar, Andrej Dukát, Andrea Komorníková, †Emil Gavorník
In a recultivation area located in Brandenburg, Germany, five types of biocrusts (initial BSC1, developed BSC2 and BSC3, mosses, lichens) and non-crusted mineral substrate were sampled on tertiary sand deposited in 1985- 1986 to investigate hydrologic interactions between crust patches. Crust biomass was lowest in the non-crusted substrate, increased to the initial BSC1 and peaked in the developed BSC2, BSC3, the lichens and the mosses. Water infiltration was highest on the substrate, and decreased to BSC2, BSC1 and BSC3. Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed that the lichens and BSC3 were associated with water soluble nutrients and with pyrite weathering products, thus representing a high nutrient low hydraulic feedback mode. The mosses and BSC2 represented a low nutrient high hydraulic feedback mode. These feedback mechanisms were considered as synergic, consisting of run-off generating (low hydraulic) and run-on receiving (high hydraulic) BSC patches. Three scenarios for BSC succession were proposed. (1) Initial BSCs sealed the surface until they reached a successional stage (represented by BSC1) from which the development into either of the feedback modes was triggered, (2) initial heterogeneities of the mineral substrate controlled the development of the feedback mode, and (3) complex interactions between lichens and mosses occurred at later stages of system development.
The aim of the paper is to analyse a possible teleconnection of AO (Artic Oscillation), SO (Southern Oscillation), PDO (Pacific Decade Oscillation), NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) and QBO (Quasi Biennial Oscillation) phenomena with long-term streamflow fluctuation in Hron River basin (Central Slovakia). The spectral analysis shows that for the series of AO, NAO, SO, and PDO indexes we can identify the ca 2.4-; 3.6-; 7.8-; 14-; 21-;30- and 36-yr cycles. The coincident cycles were found in the monthly discharge time series from the Hron basin (period 1931-2000) using combined periodogram method. As these periods were found in almost all discharge series analysed within very different geographical zones, it can be considered as the general regularity on the earth. The regularity is related to general oceanic and atmospheric circulation, part of which are also the SO, AO, PDO and NAO phenomena. and Cieľom predloženej štúdie je analýza možných telekonekcií Arktickej oscilácie (AO), Južnej oscilácie (SO), Tichomorskej dekádnej oscilácie (PDO), Severoatlantickej oscilácie (NAO) a Kvázi dvojročnej oscilácie (QBO) s viacročnými cyklami priemerných ročných prietokov v povodí rieky Hron (stredné Slovensko). Spektrálnou analýzou časových radov AO, NAO, SO, a PDO indexov boli nájdené nasledujúce viacročné cykly kolísania indexov: ca 2,4; 3,6; 7,8; 14; 21; 30 a 36 rokov. Metódou kombinovaného periodogramu boli nájdené zhodné cykly kolísania viacročných suchých a mokrých období i v mesačných prietokových radoch z povodia Hrona (1930-2000). Keďže tieto periódy boli nájdené vo všetkých prietokových radoch z rôznych geografických zón, môžu byť považované za všeobecný jav na Zemi. Toto pravidelné opakovanie mokrých a suchých období súvisí so všeobecnou cirkuláciou oceánov a atmosféry, súčasťou ktorých sú i SO, AO, PDO, NAO a QBO javy.
The aim of this study was to determine the potential development of water sorptivity of soil aggregates by heating. Soil aggregates were sampled from arable layer of 5 Polish soils: Haplic Luvisol 1 from Czesławice, Haplic Luvisol 2 from Wierzchucinek, Haplic Cambisol from Felin, Gleyic Mollic Cambisol from Chylice, and Haplic Phaeozem from Grabiec. Three aggregates of each soil type with minimum diameter between 4 and 10 mm were heated in the oven for at least 3 hours at temperatures 20, 100, 200, 250, and 360ºC. After each temperature treatment the soil aggregates were conditioned at the room temperature for 16 hours. Laboratory measurements of water sorptivity of soil aggregates were performed under a negative tension h0 = -2 cm using tension infiltrometer. It was found that the exposure to temperatures between 100 and 200°C tends to decrease water sorptivity of aggregates from all the studied soils but one (Haplic Luvisol 1), followed by about two- to four-fold increase in water sorptivity for exposure to temperatures of 250°C (in Haplic Luvisol 1, Haplic Luvisol 2, and Haplic Phaeozem) or 360°C (in Haplic Cambisol and Gleyic Mollic Cambisol).
Main aim of the study was to determine the temporal and spatial patterns of relations between monthly and annual average river flow (RF) and water temperature (WT) for 53 rivers in Poland. The research made use of monthly and annual WT and RF for 88 water gauges for the period 1971–2015. Correlations were established using the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and the similarity of RF–WT relations was determined using the Ward’s hierarchical grouping. It was demonstrated that correlations between average annual RF and WT were negative (for >85% of water gauges) and statistically significant (p<0.05) only for 30% of water gauges. It was confirmed that the studied RF–WT relations underwent seasonal changes. Positive correlations were clearly predominant in the winter months, while from April to September these relations were negative and statistically significant. The RF–WT relations were also characterized by spatial differences and this had been confirmed by separation of seven groups of water gauge profiles distinguished with the help of the Ward's hierarchical grouping method. The strongest RF–WT relations were apparent in the case of mountainous rivers, for which snow melt supply and summer rainfall supply were predominant, and lakeland rivers, which had a considerable share of groundwater supply. These were classified as cold rivers, as opposed to the cool rivers in the lowland belt, for which the RF–WT relations were the weakest. The results obtained may contribute to the elaboration of an appropriate management strategy for river ecosystems, which are assigned important economic and environmental functions.
It is well known that rainfall causes soil erosion in sloping German vineyards, but little is known about the effect of age of plantation on soil erosion, which is relevant to understand and design sustainable management systems. In the Ruwer-Mosel valley, young (1- to 4-years) and old (35- to 38-years after the plantation) vineyards were selected to assess soil and water losses by using two-paired Gerlach troughs over three years (2013–2015). In the young vineyard, the overland flow was 107 L m–1 and soil loss 1000 g m–1 in the year of the plantation, and decreased drastically over the two subsequent years (19 L m–1; 428 g m–1). In the old vineyard, soil (from 1081 g m–1 to 1308 g m–1) and water (from 67 L m–1 to 102 L m–1) losses were 1.2 and 1.63 times higher, respectively, than in the young vineyard.
Reduced soil tillage practices are claimed to improve soil health, fertility and productivity through improved soil structure and higher soil organic matter contents. This study compares soil structure stability of soil aggregates under three different tillage practices: conventional, reduced and no tillage. The erosive strength of soil aggregates has been determined using the abrasion technique with the soil aggregate erosion chambers (SAE). During abrasion soil aggregates have been separated into the exterior, transitional and interior regions. The forces needed to remove the material from the aggregate were calculated as erosive strength and compared with the tensile strength of the aggregates derived from crushing tests. The relationship between aggregate strength and other soil properties such as organic carbon and hydrophobic groups’ content has also been identified. The results show that erosive and tensile strength of soil aggregates is very low in topsoil under conventional and reduced tillage comparing with the subsoil horizons. Negative correlation was found between the content of organic carbon, hydrophobic compounds and erosive aggregate strength which suggests that the stabilising effect of soils organic carbon may be lost with drying. The positive relationship between the tensile strength and erosive strength for aggregates of 8–5 mm size suggests that the total strength of these aggregates is controlled by the sum of strength of all concentric layers.