In numerical models of fluid flow with particles moving close to solid boundaries, the Basset force is usually calculated for the particle motion between particle-boundary collisions. The present study shows that the history force must also be taken into account regarding particle collisions with boundaries or with other particles. For saltation - the main mode of bed load transport - it is shown using calculations that two parts of the history force due to both particle motion in the fluid and to particle-bed collisions are comparable and substantially compensate one another. The calculations and comparison of the Basset force with other forces acting on a sand particle saltating in water flow are carried out for the different values of the transport stage. The conditions under which the Basset force can be neglected in numerical models of saltation are studied. and V numerických modelech proudění tekutin s pevnými částicemi v blízkosti pevné stěny je Bassetova historická síla obvykle počítána pro pohyb částice mezi jejími jednotlivými kolisemi se dnem. Předložená studie ukazuje, že při výpočtu Bassetovy historické síly je nutné brát v úvahu kolisi částice s pevným dnem nebo s jinými částicemi. Pro saltaci, hlavní typ pohybu splavenin u dna koryta, je na základě použitých výpočtů ukázáno, že dvě části Bassetovy historické síly, tj. síly způsobené pohybem částice v tekutině a kolisí částice se dnem, jsou srovnatelné a mohou se vzájemně významně kompensovat. Výpočet Bassetovy historické síly a její srovnání s ostatními silami působícími na písčitou částici při jejím saltačním pohybu ve vodě je uskutečněn pro různé hodnoty tzv. transport stage (poměr aktuálního a kritického smykového napětí na dně). Zároveň byly studovány podmínky, za nichž může být Bassetova historická síla v numerických modelech zanedbána.
In this study the hydraulic and solute transport properties of an unsaturated soil were estimated simultaneously from a relatively simple small-scale laboratory column infiltration/outflow experiment. As governing equations we used the Richards equation for variably saturated flow and a physical non-equilibrium dual-porosity type formulation for solute transport. A Bayesian parameter estimation approach was used in which the unknown parameters were estimated with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method through implementation of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Sensitivity coefficients were examined in order to determine the most meaningful measurements for identifying the unknown hydraulic and transport parameters. Results obtained using the measured pressure head and solute concentration data collected during the unsaturated soil column experiment revealed the robustness of the proposed approach.
Beccarianische Wende in der Straftatauffassung in der Konfrontation mit dem Strafrecht in Ungarn und Habsburger Monarchie im 18. und am Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Estimation of hydraulic and geometric parameters of a gravel-bed river such as dimensions of bedforms is very difficult task, although they play a fundamental role in river engineering projects. One of the methods to get essential information regarding the bedform characteristics is to find the relations between the flow parameters and bedform dimensions. We conducted this field study in the Babolroud River in northern Iran to investigate the application of double averaged method in unspecific gravel bedforms to evaluate friction factor. Using data collected from several river reaches with total length of 356 m of a gravel-bed river, the relationship between bedform geometry (height and the length of bedforms) and flow parameters including shear velocity, transport stage parameter with friction factor is investigated.
Different methods for estimating bedforms dimensions are examined to assess the ability of predicting bedform parameters (length and height) in a gravel-bed river. Using bedform parameters, the contribution of particle and form friction is estimated. Results confirm the application of the double averaged method and existing bedform parameters for unspecific bedforms. There exists a similar trend between aspect ratio and friction factor in gravel bedforms.
Twelve predictive bedload sediment transport equations are rated against 14 sets of gravel-bed river field data collected by handheld bedload sampler in Narmab River, northeastern Iran. To evaluate these formulas two types of grain size namely bedload and bed material were used. The results show that the equations of Engelund and Hansen, Van Rijn and Einstein perform well with bed material grain size, while Shocklitsch, Meyer-Peter and Mueller, and Frijlink yield the best results using the bedload grain size.