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2192. Idea demokracie a vstup "štvrtého stavu" do spoločenského a politického života na Slovensku :
- Creator:
- Kováč, Dušan,
- Type:
- text and studie
- Subject:
- Dějiny Česka a Slovenska, Hodža, Milan,, strany politické, hnutí politická, hnutí socialistické, socialismus křesťanský, agrarismus, Slovensko 1848-1918, Československo 1918-1938, and politické strany a hnutí, volby
- Language:
- Slovak
- Rights:
- unknown
2193. Idea public opinion ako nástroj emancipácie v britskej liberálnej tradícii 19. storočia /
- Creator:
- Ivančík, Matej
- Type:
- text and studie
- Subject:
- Dějiny britských ostrovů, dějiny politické, liberalismus, politologie, mínění veřejné, Velká Británie, světové dějiny 1789-1918, politické dějiny, politici, and právní vědy, politologie, právníci, politologové
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The idea of public opinion as a tool of emancipation in the context of British Liberal tradition of the 19th century.
- Rights:
- unknown
2194. Idea samostatnosti na autonómnom Slovensku /
- Creator:
- Bystrický, Valerián,
- Type:
- text and studie
- Subject:
- Dějiny Česka a Slovenska, stát a právo, autonomie slovenská, diplomacie, vztahy mezinárodní, Slovenský štát, Československo 1938-1945, politické dějiny, politici, and Slovensko 1939-1945
- Language:
- Slovak
- Rights:
- unknown
2195. Idea Sedliackej banky a cesta k jej vzniku 1939-1942 /
- Creator:
- Hallon, Ľudovít,
- Type:
- text and studie
- Subject:
- Dějiny Česka a Slovenska, Finance, Hodža, Milan,, banky, zemědělství, peněžnictví, Slovensko 1939-1945, and finančnictví
- Language:
- Slovak
- Rights:
- unknown
2196. Ideal-Model descriptions and truth
- Creator:
- Bielik, Lukáš
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- idealization assumptions, ideal-model descriptions, material implication, models, and truth.
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- In scientific practice, we find ideal models that rely on a sort of idealization. These ideal-model descriptions are usually construed as distorted representations of some real system. As such, the ideal-model descriptions count as appeals to (scientific) fictions. Here, I present a category of ideal-model descriptions which – even though involving some idealization assumptions – are nevertheless true. These cases come out as puzzling though. On the one hand, they presuppose some misrepresentations of an intended target system; on the other hand, they are true of that target system. and Lukáš Bielik
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2197. Identification and assessment of long-term trends of surface water quality determinands in Slovakia for implementation of the EU WFD
- Creator:
- Pekárová, Pavla, Miklánek, Pavol, Rončák, Peter, Adámková, Juliana, Chriašteľ, Robert, Metelková, Miroslava, and Pekár, Ján
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- long-term trends, water quality, WFD 2000/60/EC, Slovak Republic, Hron River, dlhodobé trendy, kvalita vody, smernica 2000/60/EC, Slovensko, and Hron
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The procedure for identification of the long-term trends in the individual water quality determinands in surface water is described in the study. The methodology is based on requirements of the Directive 2000/60/EC and the existing water quality data in the database of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute. The methodology gives guidance for estimation of following issues: - influence of the length of the series on trends of development; - methods for calculation of the statistical characteristics; - methods for identification of the increasing and decreasing trends, as well as of the trend reversal point; - selection of the decision criteria for assessment of the trend significance. The methodology was applied for the trend analysis of the selected pollutants in the middle part of Hron River at Salkova near Banska Bystrica city. The results show that the rapid increase of pollution in 1970`s is followed by gradual improvement of the surface water quality in next period. and V predloženej štúdii je opísaný postup pri identifikácii dlhodobých trendov jednotlivých ukazovateľov kvality vody v povrchových tokoch. Pri vypracovaní metodiky sa vychádzalo z požiadaviek smernice 2000/60/EC a z existujúcich údajov o kvalite vody v databáze Slovenského hydrometeorologického ústavu. Vypracovaná metodika navrhuje konkrétne postupy na určovanie, napr. - vplyvu dĺžky obdobia na vývojové trendy; - spôsobov výpočtu štatistických ukazovateľov; - spôsobov identifikácie trendov rastu a poklesu, ako i bodov obratu trendu; - kritérií na rozhodovanie o významnosti jednotlivých trendov. Navrhnutá metodika bola aplikovaná pri analýze vybraných ukazovateľov kvality vody v mieste odberu Hron-Šalková , situovanom pri Banskej Bystrici. Z výsledkov vyplýva, že po prudkom náraste znečistenia stredného Hrona v sedemdesiatych rokoch dvadsiateho storočia dochádza k postupnému zlepšovaniu kvality povrchových vôd v tomto úseku.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2198. Identification of compound channel flow parameters
- Creator:
- Abida, Habib
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- compound channel, flood routing, unsteady flow, optimization, zložený kanál, transformácia povodňovej vlny, neustálené prúdenie, and optimalizáci
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Optimization methods are used to estimate parameters required for routing floods through open compound channels. Besides initial and boundary flow conditions, data required especially include, crosssectional area (A) of flow and conveyance (K) as functions of flow depth (y) for a representative crosssection of the study reach. Thus, instead of optimizing upon channel's geometric and hydraulic parameters, optimization is performed upon non-physical parameters in assumed A(y) and K(y) relationships. The optimization method selected for this application is the Nelder and Mead Simplex Algorithm. The objective function is expressed in terms of the relative differences between observed and simulated stages and discharges, which are evaluated based on the complete numerical solution of St Venant equations. This approach to formulating the optimization problem was applied to unsteady flow data sets for an experimental reach of the River Main in Northern Ireland. Based on statistical analysis, simulated and observed stages were found to be in good agreement. and Parametre potrebné pre kvantifikáciu transformácie povodňových vĺn v otvorených, zložených kanáloch, boli určené optimalizačnou metódou. Okrem počiatočných a okrajových podmienok sú potrebné ďalšie údaje, vrátane plochy priečneho rezu prúdom (A), ako aj vodivosť časti toku (K) ako funkcie hĺbky (y) pre reprezentatívny priečny rez. Namiesto optimalizácie geometrických a hydraulických parametrov kanála, optimalizácia sa vykonala pre nefyzické parametre, predpokladajúc závislosti A(y) a K(y). Vybranou metódou optimalizácie je Nelderov a Meadov Simplex Algoritmus. Funkcia je vyjadrená pomocou relatívnych rozdielov medzi pozorovanými a simulovanými vodnými stavmi a prietokmi, ktoré boli vyčíslené numerickým riešením rovníc St. Venanta. Tento spôsob formulácie optimalizačného problému bol aplikovaný na údaje pre neustálené prúdenie v experimentálnom priamom úseku rieky Main (River Main) v Severnom Írsku. Štatistickou analýzou bolo zistené, že simulované a merané vodné stavy boli veľmi blízke.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2199. Identification of long-term high-flow regime changes in selected stations along the Danube River
- Creator:
- Pekárová, Pavla, Pramuk, Branislav, Halmová, Dana, Miklánek, Pavol, Prohaska, Stevan, and Pekár, Ján
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- floods, hydrological regime, long streamflow series, Danube River, flow thresholds, and flood trends
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The aim of the paper is to study spatial and temporal changes in the magnitude, duration and frequency of high flows in the Danube basin. A hydrological series of the mean daily discharges from 20 gauging stations (operated minimally since 1930) were used for the analysis of changes in the daily discharges. The high flow events were classified into three classes: high flow pulses, small floods, and large floods. For each year and for each class, the means of the peak discharges, the number and duration of events, and the rate of changes of the rising and falling limbs of the waves were determined. The long-term trends of the annual time series obtained were analyzed and statistically evaluated. The long-term high flow changes were found to be different in three individual high flow classes. The duration of the category of high flow pulses is decreasing at 19 stations on the Danube and is statistically significant at the Linz, Vienna, Bratislava and Orsova stations. The frequency of the high flow pulses is increasing in all 20 stations. Also, the rising and falling rates of the high flow pulse category are increasing at the majority of the stations. The long-term trends of the selected characteristics of the small floods are very similar to the trends of the high flow pulses, i.e., the duration of small floods is decreasing, and their mean number per year is increasing. In the category of large floods the changes were not proved.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2200. Identification of prevailing storm runoff generation mechanisms in an intensively cultivated catchment
- Creator:
- Zumr, David, Dostál, Tomáš, and Devátý, Jan
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- shallow subsurface runoff, surface runoff, rainfall-runoff, soil erosion, suspended solids transport, and agriculture watershed
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The fact that flash floods initiated in arable catchments are often accompanied by massive sediment and nutrient loads often leads to the assumption that surface runoff is the principle pathway by which runoff reaches watercourses. On the basis of an evaluation of several rainfall-runoff events in a representative agricultural catchment, we show that runoff from cultivated land may be generated in a way similar to that seen on forested slopes, where shallow subsurface runoff is the predominant pathway by which runoff makes its way to watercourses in most runoff events. To identify the predominant runoff pathway, we employed a combination of turbidity measurements and stream discharge data. Suspended sediment flux, a newly introduced index representing the ratio between precipitation duration and total sediment yield, and direction of the discharge-turbidity hysteresis loops were proposed as reflective indicators of the frequency of runoff via different pathways. In our study, most of the events initiated by rainstorms of various intensities and durations resulted in rapid increases in stream discharge. Although we observed temporal variability of topsoil properties attributable to seasonal weather changes and agricultural activities, e.g. bulk density and porosity, runoff generation was mainly driven by precipitation characteristics and the initial catchment saturation.
- Rights:
- and policy:public