Fallotova tetralógia (ToF) je najčastejšou cyanotickou vrodenou srdcovou chybou. Liečba tohto ochorenia je kardiochirurgická – kompletná korekcia už v detskom veku. Bez chirurgického zákroku sa len 10 % pacientov dožívalo 3. decénia a iba 3–5 % pacientov sa dožívalo viac ako 40 rokov. Opisujeme prípad 69-ročného pacienta s anamnézou nekorigovanej Fallotovej tetralógie – z dôvodu odmietavého postoja k chirurgickému riešeniu, chronického srdcového zlyhávania NYHA III–IV a chronickej obličkovej choroby, ktorý bol prijatý na internú kliniku pre niekoľkodňové bolesti na hrudníku s edémami predkolení a ponámahovou dýchavicou pri minimálnej námahe. Echokardiografickým vyšetrením sa zistila stenóza pľúcnice, ťažká trikuspidálna insuficiencia, koncentrická hypertrofia stien oboch komôr, defekt komorového septa, dextropozícia aorty a veľký cirkulárny perikadiálny výpotok. RTG hrudníka potvrdil masívny pravostranný pleurálny výpotok. Liečbou diuretikami, antiarytmikom a po realizácii pleurálnej punkcie sa stav pacienta významne zlepšil a bol prepustený domov. V literatúre popísané prípady nekorigovanej ToF u starších pacientov boli asociované s hypertrofiou ľavej komory (HĽK) a hypoplastickou pulmonálnou artériou s pomalým vývojom subpulmonálnej obštrukcie, ktoré sme zistili aj u nášho pacienta. HĽK sa v prípade nekorigovanej ToF môže postupne vyvinúť a jej priaznivý účinok sa môže prejaviť až v dospelosti., Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF) is the most common cyanotic congenital heart defect. The actual treatment relies on cardio-surgery – complete correction within the infant age. Without surgery only 10 % of subjects survived 3rd decade and only 3–5 % of subjects were able to survive until their 40th. This particular paper is dedicated to case of a 69-years old male subject with positive history of uncorrected ToF due to his refusal of surgery, ischemic cardiac disease NYHA III–IV and chronic kidney failure. This subject was hospitalized within the department of internal medicine due to several days of chest pain connected with lower extremities oedemas and dyspnoeic syndrome after minimal physical load. Provided echocardiography revealed pulmonary artery stenosis, severe tricuspid insufficiency, concentric hypertrophy of ventricles, ventricular septal defect, dextroposition of aorta and severe pericardial effusion. Chest X-ray proved massive pleura effussion. The actual conditions of subject improved significantly after onset of diuretics, antiarrhytmics and providing of pleural punction. Subject has been discharged. Cases of ToF presented within available sources in older population were associated with left ventricular hypertrophy and hypoplastic pulmonary artery and slow subpulmonal obstruction development which also presented within our subject. Left ventricular hypertrophy has a potential to develop continuously and therefore its benefits can be visible within adult age., and Naďa Hučková, Katarína Sekurisová, Laura Slezáková, Katarína Kusendová, Andrej Zachar, Mária Szántová
The origin, development and strengthening of our identity - that is our Self - is an important part of human life. Stability and variability of such Self are both aspects necessary to preserve the integrity and status of a person as psychological and social being. The mastering of our own Self is related to some interesting phenomena, discussed by current philosophy of mind and cognitive science. These research strategies deal with issues such as naturalization of Self (Dennett, Strawson), building up a theory of mind (Baron-Cohen) and the disconnective syndrome and its interpretation (Gazzaniga) among many others. This article reflects our current understanding of the Self, and takes into account some philosophical approaches, as well as some knowledge of modern cognitive science to show how the Self as a natural phenomenon can be understood. In its conclusion two conceptual levels of the Self are introduced: primitive Self and conceptual Self. These terms are intended to be the basis for the study of the Self as a natural phenomenon. and Michal Polák