O současném stavu vědění v oblasti toxikologie nanomateriálů a bezpečnosti nanotechnologií jednala ve dnech 29.–30. listopadu 2010 v konferenčním centru Ústavu molekulární genetiky AV ČR v Praze-Krči mezinárodní konference odborníků ze 16 evropských zemí a Spojených států. Hlavním cílem setkání bylo kriticky zhodnotit dosud prováděné studie a projekty a formulovat priority výzkumu tak, abychom mohli do pěti let navrhnout dosud neexistující evropskou legislativu v oblasti bezpečného používání nanomateriálů. and Jan Topinka.
The Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences in the cooperation with the Faculty of Humanities. University of Zilina in Slovakia held its World Congress Meeting on the topic SVU and its Role in the Era of Globalisation: Transatlantic Collaboration, Innovation and Preservation. The SVU Congress, from July 1 to July 6. 2012, brought together scholars. scientists, artists, writers, students and others from throughout the world, who have a professional interest in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, their history, peoples, cultural and intellectual contributions. and Marina Hužvárová.
This was the theme of the 4th International Congress on Orchid Conservation that took place in Hluboká nad Vltavou from May 2009 - June 6, 2011. Organisers noted "we are now experiencing dramatic changes in most aspects of your life. Modern technologies are being devised and deployed with increasing frequency; and although they make your lives easier, their consequences, such as air, soil and water, pollution greatly increase the pressure on your already over-stressed environment. To keep up with a rapidly growing human population, agricultural practices tend to be more and more intensive, which in turn has a negative effect on biodiversity in agricultural landscapes." and Pavel Kindlmann.