Its aim is to ensure digitising the collections of the National Library of Latvia and other similar organisations, by making them accessible on the Internet. The creation of the digital library lays the foundation for uniform principles of processing, storing the digitised materials and ensuring access to them.
HMM-based tagger of Latvian texts. The tagger uses information from SemTi-Kamols morphological analyser, the tagset is derived from MULTEXT-East project.
The lifestory is a source for qualitative research. The most basic component of the collection is the written or recorded document of personal history, a short or lengthy story of a person's life and observations. National Oral History Project (Nacionālās mutvārdu vēstures projekts (NMV)) has been financed by the Science Council of Latvia (Latvijas Zinātnes Padome) since 1992. Its approach is multidisciplinary, employing sociological and philosophical theories in particular.