Electronic valency dictionary of German verbs.
E-VALBU contains grammatically relevant information on selected verbs. The focus is on the content and formal recording of the syntactic environment (valency information).
You will also find information on their meaning, conjugation class, pronunciation (accent), style level, ability to form the passive.
An electronic version of a vocabulary that resulted from the collaboration with the Labour Department. Its nomenclature includes more than 1,000 terms; besides, it contains six thematic annexes and a Catalan-Spanish index.
entstanden zwischen 1830 und 1880; erarbeitet von Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander; Angabe von Sprichwörtern, in denen der jeweilige Suchbegriff vorkommt; neben deutschen Sprichwörtern auch Hinweis auf ähnliche (außer-)europäische Wendungen; enthält 250.000 Sprichwörter