Corpus consisting of 10,000 Facebook posts manually annotated on sentiment (2,587 positive, 5,174 neutral, 1,991 negative and 248 bipolar posts). The archive contains data and statistics in an Excel file (FBData.xlsx) and gold data in two text files with posts (gold-posts.txt) and labels (gols-labels.txt) on corresponding lines.
Fairytale Child is a simple chatbot trying to simulate a curious child. It asks the user to tell a fairy tale, often interrupting to ask for details and clarifications. However, it remembers what it was told and tries to show it if possible.
The chatbot can communicate in Czech and in English. It analyzes the morphology of each sentence produced by the user with natural language processing tools, tries to identify potential questions to ask, and then asks one. A morphological generator is employed to generate correctly inflected sentences in Czech, so that the resulting sentences sound as natural as possible.
Pohádkové dítě je jednoduchý chatbot, simulující zvídavé dítě. Požádá uživatele, aby mu vyprávěl pohádku, ale často ho přerušuje, aby se zeptal na detaily a vysvětlení. Pamatuje si ale, co mu uživatel řekl, a snaží se to pokud možno dát najevo.
Chatbot umí komunikovat česky a anglicky. Analyzuje tvarosloví každé uživatelovy věty pomocí NLP nástrojů, pokusí se nalézt chodnou otázku, a tu pak položí. Aby tvořené české věty zněly co nejpřirozeněji, využívá se pro skloňování tvaroslovný generátor. and The work has been supported by GAUK 1572314 and SVV 260104.
It has been using language resources developed, stored and distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project LM2010013).
Fairytale Child is a simple chatbot trying to simulate a curious child. It asks the user to tell a fairy tale, often interrupting to ask for details and clarifications. However, it remembers what it was told and tries to show it if possible.
The chatbot can communicate in Czech and in English. It analyzes the morphology of each sentence produced by the user with natural language processing tools, tries to identify potential questions to ask, and then asks one. A morphological generator is employed to generate correctly inflected sentences in Czech, so that the resulting sentences sound as natural as possible.
Pohádkové dítě je jednoduchý chatbot, simulující zvídavé dítě. Požádá uživatele, aby mu vyprávěl pohádku, ale často ho přerušuje, aby se zeptal na detaily a vysvětlení. Pamatuje si ale, co mu uživatel řekl, a snaží se to pokud možno dát najevo.
Chatbot umí komunikovat česky a anglicky. Analyzuje tvarosloví každé uživatelovy věty pomocí NLP nástrojů, pokusí se nalézt chodnou otázku, a tu pak položí. Aby tvořené české věty zněly co nejpřirozeněji, využívá se pro skloňování tvaroslovný generátor. and The work has been supported by GAUK 1572314 and SVV 260104.
It has been using language resources developed, stored and distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project LM2010013).
Fairytale Child is a simple chatbot trying to simulate a curious child. It asks the user to tell a fairy tale, often interrupting to ask for details and clarifications. However, it remembers what it was told and tries to show it if possible.
The chatbot can communicate in Czech and in English. It analyzes the morphology of each sentence produced by the user with natural language processing tools, tries to identify potential questions to ask, and then asks one. A morphological generator is employed to generate correctly inflected sentences in Czech, so that the resulting sentences sound as natural as possible.
Pohádkové dítě je jednoduchý chatbot, simulující zvídavé dítě. Požádá uživatele, aby mu vyprávěl pohádku, ale často ho přerušuje, aby se zeptal na detaily a vysvětlení. Pamatuje si ale, co mu uživatel řekl, a snaží se to pokud možno dát najevo.
Chatbot umí komunikovat česky a anglicky. Analyzuje tvarosloví každé uživatelovy věty pomocí NLP nástrojů, pokusí se nalézt chodnou otázku, a tu pak položí. Aby tvořené české věty zněly co nejpřirozeněji, využívá se pro skloňování tvaroslovný generátor. and The work has been supported by GAUK 1572314 and SVV 260104.
It has been using language resources developed, stored and distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project LM2010013).
Fairytale Child is a simple chatbot trying to simulate a curious child. It asks the user to tell a fairy tale, often interrupting to ask for details and clarifications. However, it remembers what it was told and tries to show it if possible.
The chatbot can communicate in Czech and in English. It analyzes the morphology of each sentence produced by the user with natural language processing tools, tries to identify potential questions to ask, and then asks one. A morphological generator is employed to generate correctly inflected sentences in Czech, so that the resulting sentences sound as natural as possible.
Pohádkové dítě je jednoduchý chatbot, simulující zvídavé dítě. Požádá uživatele, aby mu vyprávěl pohádku, ale často ho přerušuje, aby se zeptal na detaily a vysvětlení. Pamatuje si ale, co mu uživatel řekl, a snaží se to pokud možno dát najevo.
Chatbot umí komunikovat česky a anglicky. Analyzuje tvarosloví každé uživatelovy věty pomocí NLP nástrojů, pokusí se nalézt chodnou otázku, a tu pak položí. Aby tvořené české věty zněly co nejpřirozeněji, využívá se pro skloňování tvaroslovný generátor. and The work has been supported by GAUK 1572314 and SVV 260104.
It has been using language resources developed, stored and distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project LM2010013).
Segment from Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel) 1943, issue no. 11B, reports on a workers´ holiday organized by the Reinhard Heydrich Foundation for Workers´ Recuperation at the Gymnasion Health Resort in Jarov u Dolních Břežan. Workers are having a warm-up exercise and practise shot putting. Everyone gets an apple as a snack. Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Adolf Hrubý comes for a visit.
FASpell dataset was developed for the evaluation of spell checking algorithms. It contains a set of pairs of misspelled Persian words and their corresponding corrected forms similar to the ASpell dataset used for English.
The dataset consists of two parts:
a) faspell_main: list of 5050 pairs collected from errors made by elementary school pupils and professional typists.
b) faspell_ocr: list of 800 pairs collected from the output of a Farsi OCR system.
Syntactic (including deep-syntactic - tectogrammatical) annotation of user-generated noisy sentences. The annotation was made on Czech-English and English-Czech Faust Dev/Test sets.
The English data includes manual annotations of English reference translations of Czech source texts. This texts were translated independently by two translators. After some necessary cleanings, 1000 segments were randomly selected for manual annotation. Both the reference translations were annotated, which means 2000 annotated segments in total.
The Czech data includes manual annotations of Czech reference translations of English source texts. This texts were translated independently by three translators. After some necessary cleanings, 1000 segments were randomly selected for manual annotation. All three reference translations were annotated, which means 3000 annotated segments in total.
Faust is part of PDT-C 1.0 (
This machine translation test set contains 2223 Czech sentences collected within the FAUST project (,
Each original (noisy) sentence was normalized (clean1 and clean2) and translated to English independently by two translators.
Dramaturgist Ferdinand Pujman at the funeral of writer Marie Pujmanová in Vyšehrad Cemetery in Prague in May 1958 in a fragmented segment from Československý filmový týdeník (Czechoslovak Film Weekly Newsreel) 1958, issue no. 22. Pujman with his son, translator Petr Pujman. Pujmanová celebrating her 60th birthday in a fragmented segment from Československý filmový týdeník (Czechoslovak Film Weekly Newsreel) 1953, issue no. 25. Poet Vítězslav Nezval is seen on her left behind the platform.