Violoncellist Ladislav Zelenka playing a solo during a rehearsal of the Czech Philharmonic under the baton of Václav Talich in the Municipal House in Prague in a segment from Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel) 1940, issue no. 21B.
We present a large corpus of Czech parliament plenary sessions. The corpus
consists of approximately 444 hours of speech data and corresponding text
transcriptions. The whole corpus has been segmented to short audio snippets
making it suitable for both training and evaluation of automatic speech
recognition (ASR) systems. The source language of the corpus is Czech, which
makes it a valuable resource for future research as only a few public datasets
are available for the Czech language.
"Large Scale Colloquial Persian Dataset" (LSCP) is hierarchically organized in asemantic taxonomy that focuses on multi-task informal Persian language understanding as a comprehensive problem. LSCP includes 120M sentences from 27M casual Persian tweets with its dependency relations in syntactic annotation, Part-of-speech tags, sentiment polarity and automatic translation of original Persian sentences in five different languages (EN, CS, DE, IT, HI).
The LatinISE corpus is a text corpus collected from the LacusCurtius, Intratext and Musisque Deoque websites. Corpus texts have rich metadata containing information as genre, title, century or specific date.
This Latin corpus was built by Barbara McGillivray.
The LatinISE corpus is a text corpus collected from the LacusCurtius, Intratext and Musisque Deoque websites. Corpus texts have rich metadata containing information as genre, title, century or specific date.
This Latin corpus was built by Barbara McGillivray.
In the version 4 of the corpus the high frequency lemmas have been manually corrected and sentence boundaries have been added.