Application of compost is known to improve the hydraulic characteristics of soils. The objective of this study was to examine the seasonal and short-term effects of solid waste compost amendments on selected hydrophysical properties of soil during dry and rainy seasons and to explore any negative impacts of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) amendments on soil hydrophysical environment concerning Agriculture in low-country wet zone, Sri Lanka. Eight (T1–T8) MSWC and two (T9, T10) agricultural-based waste compost (AWC) samples were separately applied in the field in triplicates at 10 and 20 Mg ha–1 rates, with a control (T0). Field measurements (initial infiltration rate, Ii; steady state infiltration rate, ISS; unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, k; sorptivity, SW) were conducted and samples were collected (0–15 cm depth) for laboratory experiments (water entry value, hwe; potential water repellency: measured with water drop penetration time, WDPT) before starting (Measurement I) and in the middle of (Measurement II) the seasonal rainfall (respectively 5 and 10 weeks after the application of compost). The difference in the soil organic matter (SOM) content was not significant between the dry and rainy periods. All the soils were almost non-repellent (WDPT = <1–5 s). The hwe of all the samples were negative. In the Measurement I, the Ii of the T0 was about 40 cm h–1, while most treatments show comparatively lower values. The ISS, SW, and k of compost amended samples were either statistically similar, or showed significantly lower values compared with T0. It was clear that all the surface hydraulic properties examined in situ (Ii, ISS, SW) were higher in the Measurement I (before rainfall) than those observed in the Measurement II (after rainfall). Water potential differences in soils might have affected the surface hydrological properties such as SW. However, water potential differences would not be the reason for weakened ISS and k in the Measurement II. Disruption of aggregates, and other subsequent processes that would take place on the soil surface as well as in the soil matrix, such as particle rearrangements, clogging of pores, might be the reason for the weakened ISS and k in the Measurement II. Considering the overall results of the present study, compost amendments seemed not to improve or accelerate but tend to suppress hydraulic properties of soil. No significant difference was observed between MSWC and AWC considering their effects on soil hydraulic properties. Application of composts can be considered helpful to slower the rapid leaching by decreasing the water movements into and within the soil.
The paper deals with the effects of agricultural soils management on surface runoff in winter and early spring period. Cryogenic processes that take place in soils can cause temporary reduction of infiltration capacity of soil. In the periods of snow-thawing and rain these phenomena induce conditions promoting the occurrence of surface runoff and floods. Effects of agricultural soils management on surface runoffs were studied at the research station in BrnoKníničky, Czech Republic, from 1965 to 2002. The aim of this research was to find out the differences between the winter surface runoff from experimental plots under winter wheat crop sown after plowing and under perennial forage crops without tillage. On soils without plowing, the decrease of soil infiltration rate occurred faster and was more intensive than on loose soils. During ten winter periods the average surface runoff from perennial forages was significantly higher (2.05 times) than from wheat crop (runoff coefficients 0.239 vs. 0.489). and Příspěvek se zabývá hodnocením vlivu kultivace zemědělských půd na povrchové odtoky v zimním a předjarním období. Kryogenní procesy v půdách mohou způsobovat dočasnou redukci jejich infiltrační rychlosti. V obdobích tání sněhu a dešťů vytváří podmínky pro výskyt povrchového odtoku a povodní. V letech 1965-2002 byl sledován na výzkumné stanici v Brně-Kníničkách vliv kultivace zemědělských půd na povrchové odtoky. Cílem tohoto výzkumu bylo najít rozdíly mezi zimními povrchovými odtoky z pokusných ploch s ozimou pšenicí vysetou po orbě a s víceletými pícninami bez zpracovaní půdy. Na půdách bez orby došlo k redukci infiltrační rychlosti rychleji a tato redukce byla intenzivnější než na kyprých půdách po orbě. Během deseti hodnocených zimních období byl povrchový odtok z víceletých pícnin průkazně vyšší (2,05 krát) než z pšenice. Průměrný koeficient povrchového odtoku u ozimé pšenice dosáhl hodnoty 0,239 a u víceletých pícnin 0,489.