Acolpenteron australe sp. n. (Dactylogyridae, Dactylogyrinae) is described from ureters and renal tubules of Percichthys trucha (Cuvier et Valenciennes) (Perciformes, Percichthyidae) from Andean Patagonian lakes. The new species has a haptor with 14 hooks, with shanks comprised of two subunits. It has overlapped intercaecal gonads, male copulatory organ as a sclerotized tube with one counterclockwise coil and a J-shaped accessory piece. It differs from the other species of Acolpenteron by having a non-forked accessory piece. This is the first monogenean species described from a percichthyid host in South America.
The article deals with a research of acoustic emission induced by electromagnetic field. Experiments were focused on measurement of acoustic emission (sound waves) as a mechanical response to the excitation current. Surface displacement was detected by laser interferometer and arising surface waves were then observed. Maximal measured amplitude of mechanical displacement driven by excitation current with amplitude 120 mA is about 8 nm. and Článek se zabývá výzkumem akustické emise generované pomocí elektromagnetického pole. V experimentech se měří velikost mechanické odezvy akustické emise (mechanických vln) na budicí proud z generátoru. Výchylka povrchu byla snímána laserovým interferometrem, byla registrována přítomná povrchová vlna. Maximální amplituda výchylky je 8 nm při amplitudě budicího proudu 120 mA.