OLiMPiC: OpenScore Lieder Linearized MusicXML Piano Corpus is a dataset containing synthetic and scanned images of pianoform music scores. The scores and the scanned images originate from the OpenScore Lieder Corpus https://github.com/OpenScore/Lieder .
OLiMPiC contains the scores in MusicXML and Linearized MusicXML encoding, suitable for evaluation with the TEDn metric. The official train/dev/test split is also provided.
Dataset collected from natural dialogs which enables to test the ability of dialog systems to interactively learn new facts from user utterances throughout the dialog. The dataset, consisting of 1900 dialogs, allows simulation of an interactive gaining of denotations and questions explanations from users which can be used for the interactive learning.
Slovak Dependency Treebank (Slovenský závislostný korpus) was created as part of the Slovak National Corpus at the Ľ. Štúr Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The annotation follows the guidelines of the Prague Dependency Treebank (Czech), slightly modified in the spirit of Slovak grammatical tradition. Morphological tags, lemmas and dependency relations have been assigned manually to every word.
The present dataset is a subset of the original treebank. We automatically selected the sentences where the two human annotators 100% agreed on the analysis. This increases the quality and trustworthiness of the data but it also results in selecting short sentences most of the time. An extended version may be published in the future when manually merged and checked annotation is available.
The selected sentences have been converted to the CoNLL-X file format (original token IDs are preserved in the FEATS column). This PDT-style annotation will serve as the source for the first Slovak dataset in the Universal Dependencies (to be published separately).
Talks of Karel Makoň given to his friends in the course of late sixties through early nineties of the 20th century. The topic is mostly christian mysticism.
CzEng is a sentence-parallel Czech-English corpus compiled at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL). While the full CzEng 2.0 is freely available for non-commercial research purposes from the project website (https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/czeng), this release contains only the original monolingual parts of news text (csmono 53M and enmono 79M sentences) with automatic (synthetic) translations by CUBBITT.
See the attached README for additional details such as the file format.
Pretrained model weights for the UDify model, and extracted BERT weights in pytorch-transformers format. Note that these weights slightly differ from those used in the paper.
This is the Czech data collected during the `VYSTADIAL` project. It is an extension of the 'Vystadial 2013' Czech part data release. The dataset comprises of telephone conversations in Czech, developed for training acoustic models for automatic speech recognition in spoken dialogue systems.