Akademický bulletin si letos připomíná čtvrtstoletí existence, která přímo souvisí s událostmí spjatými s demokratizačním procesem v Akademii věd. Redakce původního „oběžníku“ z předinternetové doby i jeho pozdější časopisecké podoby náležela po většinu času do tehdejšího Tiskového odboru ČSAV. A právě k tiskovému oddělení - ovšem v šedesátých letech minulého století - těsně spjatému s počátky popularizace vědy - se váží vzpomínky dr. Ivana Klimeše, jednoho ze zakladatelů popularizace vědy v bývalém Československu a po emigraci v roce 1969 úspěšného britského vydavatele, s nímž Akademie věd navázala kontakt hned, jak to uvolnění ostře střežené hranice mezi Východem a Západem před čtvrt stoletím umožnilo. and Marina Hužvárová.
Brain Awareness Week is a series of events held around the world to increase public awareness of the brain. Top Czech scientists attracted more then 1,300 students with lectures as part of the annual Brain Awareness Week that took place in the administration building of the Czech Academy of Sciences extending from 10-13 March 2008. and Gabriela Adámková.
The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic has been observing the 20th anniversary of its origin. This month we feature an interview with the first president of the ASCR. Professor Rudolf Zahradnik, who merited attained international acclaim by restoring the strength and integrity of this scientific institution. Professor Zahradnik also provided the cntical impetus to not only democratize the Czech Academy but to reintegrate it within the global scientific community.
The mission of the conference held from 7 to 10 October 2008 was two-fold. The first was to focus on these women from all over the world who discussed their own experiences, both good and bad. The participants promoted their own individual research, as well as established contact with international colleagues in an effort to have greater access to funding for continuing their research. The second aspect of the conference directly addressed a problem of the low numbers of women entering the field of physics. Delegates discussed efforts to promote women in physics in their own country as well as promoting women in physics on the international scale. and Raji Heyrovska, Jarmila Kodymova, Vera Hamplova.