a1_Tato stať je zpracována na základě studia materiálů ve fondech centrálních ruských archivů a v původním znění byla zahrnuta do antologie studií autorky (MURAŠKO, Galina Pavlovna: Vlastnaja vertikal i evoljucija umonastrojenij v Čechoslovakii v 50-je gody XX v.: Po dokumentam rossijskich archivov. In: TÁŽ: Izbrannoje. Ed. T. V. Volokitina - A. N. Kanarskaja - M. I. Leňšina. Moskva, Institut slavjanoveděnija Rossijskoj akaděmii nauk 2011, s. 230-264). Autorka využila diplomatické zprávy, v nichž úředníci sovětského velvyslanectví v Praze a generálního konzulátu v Bratislavě informovali Moskvu o situaci v Československu a v Komunistické straně Československa. Tyto prameny jí dovolují - v rámci daného úhlu pohledu - registrovat změny pozic ve stranických špičkách a sledovat proměny nálad v různých vrstvách české a slovenské společnosti, zejména mezi uměleckou a vědeckou inteligencí, studenty a státními zaměstnanci, a jejich reakce na rozhodnutí vlády a stranického vedení. Neméně důležité je, že analyzované dokumenty „v druhém plánu“ prozrazují, jakou optikou československé poměry vnímali sovětští diplomaté a další činitelé působící v zemi, a poskytují tak zajímavou sondu do formování politiky Kremlu vůči Praze v padesátých letech minulého století., a2_Z naznačeného hlediska si autorka všímá takových jevů jako působení sovětských poradců v Československu, lidových nepokojů po vyhlášení měnové reformy v roce 1953, podnikových stávek, reakcí obyvatel na hospodářská a sociální opatření přijímaná v rámci takzvaného nového kurzu v roce 1954, formování opozičních postojů po dvacátém sjezdu sovětských komunistů v roce 1956, ohlasů následných společenských revolt v Polsku a Maďarsku, mocenských poměrů v KSČ po smrti Antonína Zápotockého nebo kritických reakcí obyvatel na reorganizaci řízení hospodářství a masové „prověrky politické a třídní spolehlivosti“ ve státním aparátu po nástupu Antonína Novotného do čela země v roce 1957. Celkově autorka konstatuje, že Moskva měla k dispozici dostatek úplných informací o vývoji situace v Československu a že zde v padesátých letech výrazně ovlivňovala utváření politických rozhodnutí na centrální úrovni., and Galina P. Murašková. Z ruštiny přeložila Jitka Vondrová
Significant forms of Roman-Germanic confrontations, especially in narrative and archaeological sources, include military conflicts. One of the featuring, but in certain ways problematic, is the supposed military intervention of the Roman administration against Marobuduus in AD 6, known through the narrative by Velleius Paterculus. The relatively generously conceived military campaign with two distinctively outlying points of campaign advance (Carnuntum and Mogontiacum) was intended to conquer the core part of the tribal union with centre in Boiohaemum. However, there is no intention to be inclined towards any of the existing hypotheses about its realization or associable archaeological finds. On the basis of relevant data, theoretical models, and GIS there is an intention to model possible and hypothetically acceptable paths for the army advance through the barbarian territory, and to test the character of their quantitative and spatial aspects., Marek Vlach., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The subject of this analysis is Bridge No. 1 in Mikulčice, which was discovered during a large-scale archaeological excavation of a former riverbed between the years 1966 and 1968 and revisited in 2012. Although it is the best preserved bridge in Mikulčice, reconstucting it faces a number of limitations. The aim of this article is to define in more detail such limitations as well as possibilities, drawing on previous attempt to reconstuct this bidge. During the processing of the find situation of Bridge No. 1 foru "key questions" regarding reconstruction have been formulated. Our resulting statement says that in the fiven circumstances we cannot exclude the existence of a number of substantial reconstructions of the bridge, or rather the existence of more bridges constucted over time in the same place. Because only the load-bearing parts of the bridge´s construction have been preserved, we know almost nothing about the part above water level. Here we can be inspored especially by mediaeval and modern era bridges in period representations or by bridges of similar constuction that are still standing. There remains the general quetion of the origin of the bridge´s consturction, which has analogies in a nuber of La téne and Roman localities in Western Europe. A possible explanation is that the Classical tradition of engineering may have been mediated by the provinces in the Danube region., Lumír Poláček, Gerard Wilke., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The surface surveys over the Mohelno highland plateau microregion, bordered by Oslava River to the north and Jihlava River to the south, have a long tradition with many resultant collections. Part of those collections that were available for study to the authors (including their own fi nds) were reanalyzed. Generally, this microregion is distinctive due to its specifi c Early Upper Paleolithic industry (or industry from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transitional period) combining Levallois technique and bifacial reduction. Although the association of these two components is an important question for current archeology, the material from this microregion cannot be used for addressing this question because the collections are from surface scatters so the level of assemblage homogeneity and chronological control cannot be established. Although the local Krumlovský les-type chert dominates the raw material spectra, imports of Stránská skála-type chert and radiolarite also occur. Other raw materials include local siliceous weathering products, Cretaceous spongolite chert and rock crystal. In addition, Aurignacian occupation (with prevailing erratic fl int in raw material spectra) was documented at one site, supplemented by several isolated finds., Petr Škrdla ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Mohelno-Plevovce was repeatedly occupied during the Late Upper Paleolithic. Two paved stone structures constructed from local stones have been excavated thus far. These structures are characterized by a high density of lithic artifacts within the paved area and a rapidly decreasing density away from the paved area - this is interpreted as a result of the "barrier-effect" of the covered area. The lithic tools are characterized by abundant splintered pieces, steeply retouched end scrapers, and tiny microlithic tools produced on carenoidal blanks. Utilized raw material types indicate good knowledge of local rocks including rock crystal and weathering products of serpentinite, as well as broad raw material networks including erratic flint imported from northern Moravia and Szentgál radiolarite imported from Balaton Lake area., Petr Škrdla, Jaroslav Bartík, Jan Eigner, Tereza Rychtaříková, Pavel Nikolajev, Miriam Nývltová Fišáková, Ladislav nejman, Michaela Polanská, Jan Novák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The reported research in Malżyce, site no. 30, situated on one of the of the vast loess-covered elevations of the Małopolska Upland has brought valuable data on the Funnel Beaker (TRB) and the Corded Ware (CWC) cultures in West Małopolska. The central grave of the TRB barrow was accompanied by five chronologically younger graves of the CWC and three graves of the Early Bronze Age Mierzanowice culture. In the TRB grave two vessels and a flint trapezium were found. In its size and constructional traits the Malżyce TRB barrow is analogous to various CWC features of this type. But becouse of its dating – the TRB tumulus in Malżyce cannot be regarded as a valid argument for deriving CWC burial mounds from TRB structures., Krysztof Tunia, Piotr Włodarczak., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Later than in the wet of Europe, it was only in the course of the 12th century that the water wheel caught on in Bohemia and Moravia. At the same time hand-powered mills were still requently being used. Until the end of the 12th century most water mills as well as water courses were the property of princes, so permission to run an existing mil or to build a new one had to be granted. The location, design of and technology used in mediaeval mills in our vicinity have not been archaeologically researched. The hypotheritcal appearance of such mills and what equipment they had can be modelled based on the results of research abroad, since similar structures might also have been in use in mediaeval Bohemia and Moravia., Lucie Galusová, Martina Maříková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury