Czech scientists and pedagogues made common meeting to discuss the perspectives of National Library and Clementinum. In an Open Letter to the Czech government and to Prague´s chief magistrate, they suggested being concerned about the future of Clementinum without its overshadowing National Library., [Marina Hužvárová]., and Autor používá šifru HaM
An article is featured on the cooperation between the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council), an Italian public organization set up to support scientific and technological research. The mission of CNR is undertaking research in its own Institutes, to promote innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system, to promote the internationalization of the national research system, to provide technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs, to advise the Government and other public bodies, and to contribute to the qualification of human resources. and Danuše Pazourková.
V březnu 2012 podepsala Akademie věd ČR novou dohodu s mexickou Národní radou pro vědu a technologie (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Technología - CONACYT) společně s prováděcím plánem, na jehož základě se začalo realizovat pět vědeckovýzkumných projektů vědců AV ČR s jejich mexickými kolegy - podrobněji viz AB 4/2012. Jelikož šlo o dvouleté projekty a spolupráce skončila s koncem roku 2013, můžeme zhodnotit jejich výsledky. and Danuše Pazourková ... [et al.].