The article traces the role and image of the wood and the tree in the culture of Ancient China as emerging from the transmitted literature of the Warring States period. Although this topic has already been touched upon in some previous studies, such as Mark Elvin's The Retreat of the Elephants, no comprehensive description based on at least nearly exhaustive systematization of respective data available to us in primary sources has been presented yet, especially for trees. In this paper, virtually all recorded modes of approaching the phenomena by the learned men of the Warring States are summarized and supplied with extensive reference to ancient texts. Apart from other issues, it clearly demonstrates that the skeptical stance to ancient Chinese love for nature and to the ecological ethos of traditional Chinese culture is highly justified., Lukáš Zádrapa., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The Southern Urals are an inspiring place for Czech naturalists. This paper provides basic information on this seldom visited region and describes the impressions of the two Czech biologists from their excursion to this place. The nature of the Southern Urals captivated them with its wildness, unrivalled in present-day Central Europe, its intrinsic order and the similarities with Central European nature. and Jan Roleček, Jan Losík.
Charakter krajiny je v oblasti centrálních Apenin již na první pohled výrazně různorodý. Dynamicky formovaný reliéf pokrývá pestrá mozaika vegetačních typů. Zdejší lesy jsou od dávných dob obhospodařované pařezinovým způsobem, což je typ managementu, který byl na území bývalého Československa běžný až do minulého století. Typicky šlo o dubové a dubohabrové lesy, jejichž biodiverzita dlouhodbě klesá. Návštěva a studium lesů centrálních Apenin poskytuje hodnotné souvislosti pro řešení problému klesající druhové diverzity v někdejších pařezinách střední Evropy., The landscape of the central Apennines is markedly diverse. Dynamically formed relief is covered by a mosaic of different vegetation types. For centuries, local forests are managed as coppices - type of management common in former Czechoslovakia up to last century. Biodiversity of these oak and oak-hornbeam forests gradually declines due to the abandonment of coppicing. Thus, a visit to the central Apennines and study of their forests provide a valuable insight into the problem of species diversity decline in the former coppices of Central Europe., and František Máliš, Roberto Canullo, Radim Hédl.