"(...) and thus her Majesty most graciously orders this malady to be endicated as well". Empress Maria Theresa as a Patroness of the Theresian Foundation for Noblewomen in Prague.
Příloha: Umělci v korespondenci a dalších dokumentech hraběte Ingáce Dominika Chorynského z Ledské. and "... mit solchen Männern, wie Sie sind, haben Sr Excellenz mein Hochgräfl: gnädiger Herr Principal gerne zu thun." Count Ignatz Dominik Chorynský of Ledská and His Artists Franz Anton Sebastini, Ignatz Raab, Franz Laurenz Korompay, Andreas Schweigl, David Roentgen et alii.
"...So that really poor people are provided for and the begging stops...". The role of the Roman Catholic Church in fighting poverty at the turn of 18th century.
"... Alle Häuser als ain Corpus gedachtes unsers Fürstenthums ganz steiff beysamben verbleiben". Dietrichteinische Paläste in böhmischen Länder im 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts.
"... there was a bumper crop of walnuts that year". Objective and Subjective Aspects in the Petitions of Peasant Revolts in the 17th Century - the Kysibl Example.