Genetically modified (GM) maize may be - come important as the spread of the Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera) feeding on maize continues. However, its implementation in european agriculture has been hindered by fears of undesirable environmental effects, despite the worldwide cultivation of the GM crop. The presented study compares impacts of the GM maize MON 88017 and the non-transgenic maize on non-target invertebrates. Neither the composition nor the species abundance of invertebrate communities were affected in a field with the GM maize. and Zdeňka Svobodová, Oxana Habuštová, František Sehnal.
This paper introduces a very interesting group of curculionid beetles – weevils of the tribe Cleonini. This tribe includes quite a remarkable large species associated with non-forest habitats, most of which are currently considered endangered. In spite of being very popular among coleopterists, this group of beetles has not been studied in detail within the Czech Republic. and Robert Stejskal, Filip Trnka.
napsal František Straňák, S 55 povětš. původ. vyobr. a četn. tab., Obsahuje bibliografii a rejstřík, and Converted from MODS to DC version 1.8 (EE patch 2018/05/24)
V roce 2010 byl v České republice poprvé zaznamenán výskyt pilatky azalkové (Nematus lipovskyi), jejichž housenice způsobují holožíry na měkkolistých pěnišnících. Druh byl již zaznamenán na více než 60 lokalitách především v Praze a ve středních Čechách, příčemž jde o první zaznamenaný výskyt druhu mimo území USA. V botanické zahradě Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze byli poprvé odchyceni samci tohoto druhu., The Azalea sawfly (Nematus lipovskyi), previously known from the eastern states of the USA, was first recorded in the Czech Republic. Since the discovery of the species in 2010 in the botanical garden of Charles University in Prague, more than 60 localities of Nematus lipovskyi have been confirmed, mostly from Prague and Central Bohemia. Males of the species were found for the first time since the description of the species., and Petr Šípek, Ján Macek.