'So I'm Sending You Another One for Your Pleasure.' The Informative Value of the Childhood Postcard Collection of Eugen Alfons Czernin as a Written and Visual Source from the Belle Époque Era.
This study deals with the relationship of Prince Joseph Adam von Schwarzenberg to music and theatre and with the way in which his theatrical preferences revealed themselves in the repertoire of his private castle theatre in Cesky Krumlov from 1766 until 1768. Through a careful study of the extant sources (correspondence, libretti, scores and parts, accounting books etc.), the author has managed to specify the reasons for the precipitous renovation of the castle theatre in late 1765 and early 66 and to determine what specific dramatic works were performed there. Among other things, she has succeeded in compiling the entire list of performances planned for the fourteen-day wedding celebration in the summer of 1768. The author furthermore focuses on information about the musicians who were then in the princes services and also about commissioned musical instruments and musical scores and parts., Helena Kazárová., Obsahuje seznam literatury, and Anglické resumé na s. 45.
"Kuchelna - Berlin" kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Kontakte des Fürsten Karl Max Lichnowsky und Mechtilde Lichnowsky mit der Berliner Gesellschaft im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts.
"The Fourth Estate of the Realm?" Socio-political, Legal, Administrative and Cultural Aspects of Development of Herrenstand in Silesia in the Habsburg Epoch (16-18th Century).
"Atmet ein Mensch die afrikanische Luft, dann wird er immer Sehnsucht nach diesem Duft empfinden". Ein Bietrag zu den Reisen von Adolf Schwarzenberg in den Jahren 1929-1939 auf den afrikanischen Kontinent.