Stejnojmennou konferenci (Gewalt und die „andere Moderne“) uspořádal ve dnech 28. až 30. května 2014 ve vile Lanna Historický ústav AV ČR. Jako cíl si vytkla poněkud odlišně reagovat na kulaté výročí vypuknutí Velké války a zároveň důstojně připomenout pětaosmdesáté narozeniny emeritního profesora berlínské Svobodné univerzity a někdejšího vědeckého pracovníka Československé akademie věd Bedřicha Loewensteina. and Milan Hlavačka.
Another article describes a study entitled Return of the European Bison (Bison bonasus) to the Czech Republic published by the Czech Landscape in collaboration with scientists from the Biology Centre and the Institute of Vertebrate Biology, both of the ASCR and the University of South Bohemia. Research in the Czech Republic identified areas suitable for their return to the wild, mainly former military areas; surface areas of which range between 219-372 km2. In 2012, European bison was returned to the wild at Ralsko nature reserve, a former military training ground in Central Bohemia. and Miloslav jirků [et al.].
Earlier this month, the Czech media reported that a highly efficient antiviral drug developed by Czech scientists has been shelved, reportedly for fear it would compete with existing medicines manufactured by pharmaceutical giants. The substance, known as MK-612, was designed at the Academy´s Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. Academic Bulletin interviewed Zdeněk Havlas, headmaster of the Institute, about next stage in the future of this efficient substance MK-612. and Marina Hužvárová.