The Academy Assembly, the Academy of Science´s highest body responsible for the highest priority decisions related to the ASCR, held its XXXIX meeting on December 16, 2011. Among invited guests were Petr Fiala, the Prime Minister´s Chief Science Advisor; Karel Pospíšil, Head of Board of Public Applied Research Institutions; Václav Pačes, President of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic; Rudolf Zahradník, Honorary President of the ASCR; Helena Illnerová, former President of the ASCR; Václav Hampl, Rector of Charles University of Prague; Přemysl Sobotka, First Vice-President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, and Vladimír Haasz, Vice-Chairperson of the R&D Council of the Czech Republic, and others. The main agenda item of this meeting was discussion the results of the Evaluation of Academy Instituties. and Luděk Svoboda.
The Academy Assembly, the highest body of the ASCR responsible for the topmost priority decisions related to the ASCR, held its XXXVIII Meeting on April 21, 2011. Among invited guests were Alena Gajdůšková, 1st Vice-President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Stanislava Hronová and Vladimír Haasz, Vice-Chairpersons of the R&D Council and others. The main agenda item of this meeting was discussion the report of the Steering Committee of the Evaluation of Academy Institutes. Through the Committee's evaluation, the Academy Council is provided a full report of the research effectiveness of Academy Institutes. and Luděk Svoboda.
The 37th Council meeting of the Federation of European Microbiological Societies took place in Prague on September 25, 2010. FEMS brings together 46 member societies from 36 European countries, covering over thirty thousand microbiologists. Members may apply for research fellowships, visiting scientist grants, young scientist meeting grants and/or support when organizing a meeting. These benefits are restricted to members only. FEMS facilitates the exchange of scientific knowledge to all microbiologists in Europe and worldwide by publihing five microbiology journals. Grants Board Meeting was held in Prague on March 3-4, 2011. FEMS provided Meeting Attendance Grants to young European scientists wishing to attend meetings that are not supported by a FEMS Meetings Grant. The maximum amount of this grant is 600 €. and Jaroslav Spížek.
Geograficky i jazykově blízké země prošly odlišným politickým, ekonomickým a společenským vývojem, během něhož je ovlivňovaly jiné politické síly a kulturní vzorce, aby se v posledním století opět setkaly a sdílely stejný osud. V obou zemích, jež se po první světové válce vrátily na mapu Evropy jako samostatné státy navzdory potížím souvisejícím s obnovou fungování státu a společnosti, nezůstaly vzdělávání, věda a výzkum stranou. and Andrzej Magala, Jan Krekule.