The Chinese writing system is distinguished by a three-level graphic structure. The lowest unit is a stroke, the highest a whole character. The structure unit between these two levels might possess a relatively complicated arrangement which could be analyzed from different points of view. With regard to this possibility, different terms could be used to express the specific approaches. However, the Chinese grammatologists are not quite of one mind in the usage of these terms. The aim of this article is to point out the diversity of possible approaches that could be used while analyzing the complex arrangement of the graphic level between stroke and character. The concepts of Su Peicheng, Wang Ning, Pan Jun and Yang Runlu will be presented. Their attitudes provide a representative sample of the standpoint of modern grammatology., Tereza Slaměníková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Zpráva poskytuje základní informace o Archivu otevřené společnosti (Open Society Archives - OSA) při Středoevropské univerzitě (Central European University) v Budapešti, který byl založen v roce 1995. Podává přehled o fondech tamní knihovny, videotéky a archivu a upozorňuje na zvláště zajímavé sbírky, mezi něž patří kupříkladu mimořádně bohatá sbírka periodik ve čtyřiceti jazycích zemí bývalého sovětského bloku anebo kompletní dokumentace národních sekcí Rádia Svobodná Evropa, která by se mohla stát lákadlem pro badatele nejen z postkomunistických zemí., This report provides basic information about the Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest, which were established in 1995. It offers an overview of the holdings of the library, the video library, and the archives, and points out particularly interesting collections, including the exceptionally rich collection of periodicals in forty languages from the countries of the former Soviet bloc and the complete documentation of the national desks of Radio Free Europe, which are bound to be useful for researchers from all over and not just from the post-Communist countries., and Nekola Martin.
This study attempts to analyse the basic tendency of the Austrian state to regulate and control the move of inhabitants. After fading of population theories that saw state wealth in the population growth, therefore supporting immigration, the period of the Napoleonic wars came that became catalyser of a rapid legal development in the field of immigration. Entirely unprepared Austria specialised its basic strategies in respect of foreigners and of the population move control. The attitude of the state to foreigners determines their "utility for the state", which finally results in the establishment of categories of foreigners: privileged, facultative, and undesirable. Applying practical examples, the study specifies such classification of foreigners and of their destinies within the Austrian state. The privileged: The Netherlands textile specialists in the fine cloth factory in Náměšť near Brno; Turkish merchants and subjects of the High Porte of the Jewish religion; the facultative: the Netherlands state officers who, due to their loyalty to Austria, had to leave their homeland after the occupation of the Austrian Netherlands (later Belgium) by the French Republic; the undesirable: The French who were potentially suspected of propagation of revolution ideas or of espionage; here examples of the high French nobility have been specified, i.e. of the de Bombelles family and of dismissed highranking officers of the elite Prince de Condé Regiment (then in active service of Russia)., Zdeňka Stoklásková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Tato recenze původně vyšla anglicky v německém časopise Bohemia, roč. 53, č. 2 (2013), s. 493-495. Autor konstatuje, že se nejedná o ucelený životopis Václava Havla, Suk se soustředí na Havla jako disidenta, politického spisovatele a zakladatele nezávislých iniciativ. Originálním způsobem přitom využil a zpracoval primární prameny, v prvé řadě obsáhlou korespondenci a svazky z Havlova vyšetřování bezpečnostními složkami. Suk píše jako příslušník generace vyrůstající v době normalizace, která v roce 1989 právě dospěla. Jeho vztah k Havlovi je kladný a uctivý, nikoli však zbožný a nezavírá oči před kontroverzními momenty jeho biografie. V dalším Williams rozvíjí úvahu, v níž komentuje Sukovu volbu „komedie“ (v pojetí literárního vědce Northropa Fryeho) jako žánru pro jeho knihu. Tomuto žánru by podle recenzenta lépe odpovídalo, kdyby Suk plnohodnotněji uvedl na scénu Gustáva Husáka a Alexandera Dubčeka jako Havlovy protihráče., This review was originally published in English in the German periodical Bohemia, vol. 53 (2013), no. 2, pp. 493-95. (To access it free of charge, go to As the author notes, Suk does not aim to provide a comprehensive biography, but instead concentrates on Havel the dissident, political writer, and co-founder of independent opposition groups and projects. Suk achieves this with an original approach to the primary sources, first and foremost Havel’s voluminous correspondence and the secret-police files kept on him. Suk writes as a member of the generation that grew up in the period of Normalization policy and came of age in 1989. His attitude to Havel is positive, respectful, but not idolizing; he does not shut his eyes to controversial aspects of Havel’s life. The reviewer then comments on Suk’s choice of the term ‘comedy’ (as understood by the literary critic and theorist Northrop Frye) as the genre of his book. This genre, the reviewer argues, would have been better served had Suk brought Gustáv Husák and Alexander Dubček more fully onto the stage as Havel’s adversaries., [autor recenze] Kieran Williams ; z angličtiny přeložila Marzia Patonová., přeloženo z angličtiny, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Tři hlasy k jedné knize
Bloody Whitsuntide in the middle of June 1848 is perceived as a milestone in revolutionary years of 1848-1849. In the face of former Marxist glorification of „barricade heroes“, contemporary historiography considers this event as tragic moment that did not aid Czech national politics. and Roman Vondra.