The African continent has a rich diversity of fish and amphibians in its inland water systems that serve as hosts for monogeneans of seven genera of the Gyrodactylidae van Beneden et Hesse, 1832. In August 2011, eight gyrodactylid parasites were collected from the gills of two specimens of bulldog, Marcusenius macrolepidotus (Peters), from Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Morphometric evaluation and sequencing of 18S rDNA confirmed that the specimens represented a species of a new viviparous genus, Tresuncinidactylus wilmienae gen. et sp. n. The attachment apparatus consists of a single pair of large slender hamuli with prominently flattened roots that are connected by a simple, narrow dorsal bar. The ventral bar is small and possesses a thin lingulate membrane but no evident anterolateral processes. There are 16 marginal hooks of one morphological type, but of three different sizes, with large falculate sickles that are proportionaly equal in length to the length of their handles. The two largest pairs of marginal hooks are positioned closest to the opisthaptoral peduncle, the neighbouring two pairs of medium-sized marginal hook sickles are situated along the lateral margins of the opisthaptor. Four pairs of smallest marginal hooks are positioned along the posterior margin of the opisthaptor. The male copulatory organ consists of a muscular pouch armed with approximately 30 gracile spines. Phylogenetic analyses of partial sequences of the 18S rDNA using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference placed the new genus within the lineage of solely African genera and suggests Afrogyrodactylus Paperna, 1968, Citharodactylus Přikrylová, Shinn et Paladini, 2017 and Mormyrogyrodactylus Luus-Powell, Mashego et Khalil, 2003 as genera most closely related to the new genus., Iva Přikrylová, Maxwell Barson, Andrew P. Shinn., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Předmětem výzkumu je pár náramků z Nového Knína, okr. Příbram, z nichž první se objevil v roce 1965, druhý v roce 2014. První náramek byl v minulosti charakterizován jako stříbrný, s analogiemi v skandinávském kruhovém šperku 10.–11. století. V roce 2008 byl podroben prvkové analýze RFA. Ukázalo se, že je složen ze slitiny mosazi s příměsí stříbra. Po překvapivém objevu druhého náramku byla realizována série přírodovědných a archeologicko-kulturně antropologických analýz, které v souhrnu přinesly chronologické a materiálové přehodnocení dosud publikovaných údajů, včetně jejich „nálezových“ okolností. Z výsledků analýz plyne, že oba šperky jsou téměř identické. Analýzy dále přinesly zjištění, že je nelze považovat za raně středověké, nýbrž za novověké až recentní výrobky patrně mimoevropského původu (Afrika?), nejspíš turistické suvenýry. and The subject of the investigation is a pair of bracelets from Nový Knín in the Příbram district, the first of which appeared in 1965, the second in 2014. In the past, the first bracelet was characterised as silver, with analogies in Scandinavian ring ornaments of the 10th–11th century AD. But when this bracelet was subjected to an elemental analysis XRF in 2008, it was found to be composed of an alloy of brass with an admixture of silver. Following the surprising discovery of the second bracelet, a series of scientific and archaeological-culturally anthropological analyses were conducted, the results of which led to a chronological and material re-evaluation of previously published data, including their ‘find’ contexts. The analyses indicate that the two ornaments are virtually identical and also reveal that they cannot be regarded as early medieval artefacts but rather as Modern to recent products that were likely made outside of Europe (Africa?), probably of a tourist souvenir
A sample of over 6,000 specimens of frogs belonging to about 120 species of all families occurring in West Africa and Madagascar were screened for parasitic mites. Three species of Endotrombicula Ewing, 1931 were found in representatives of two African and two Madagascan frog families. All Trombiculidae found in African frogs belonged to Endotrombicula pillersi (Sambon, 1928), whereas in Madagascar E. madagascariensis (Sambon, 1928) and E. ptychadenae sp. n. were sampled. These three species are described, data about their parasitic associations are provided, and their zoogeographical distribution is discussed. Only those frog species that spend a considerable time in terrestrial ground habitats were parasitized; neither arboreal nor strictly aquatic frogs were infected. The geographic distribution of Endotrombicula, restricted to Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar, suggests that these mites invaded Madagascar from the African continent. This is supported by the observation that the ancestors of Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril et Bibron) (Ptychadenidae), the host of E. ptychadenae, colonized Madagascar from the African continent quite recently, possibly accompanied by its Endotrombicula parasites.
Tilapia cabrae Boulenger, 1899, a cichlid fish from coastal lowlands of the Republic of Congo (Africa), was examined for gill parasites. Four new species of the Monogenea were found, all belonging to Cichlidogyrus (Ancyrocephalidae): C. berradae sp. n., C. revesati sp. n., C. legendrei sp. n., and C. lemoallei sp. n. A possible relationship between the relative size of haptoral sclerites (i.e., uncinuli compared to gripi) and microhabitat selection in the studied host-parasite model is discussed.
Nárožní čtyřpodlažní budova, postavená v neorenesančním historizujícím stylu, původně budova hlavní celnice (Fövámház), dnes Vysoká škola ekonomická (Budapest University of Economic / Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem). Bohatá sochařská výzdoba (22 soch, reliéfy). Na fasádě průčelí směřujícím k řece: deset stojících mužských a ženských postav v antické drapérii s různými atributy. První zleva žena v drapérii s pokrytou hlavou, v pravé ruce drží fasces, levá přidržuje závoj (alegorie Athén); stojící vousatý muž s kyjem a lví kůží přetaženou přes hlavu (Herkules); žena v drapérii, na hlavě čelenka se slunečním terčem (?); žena, u pravé nohy lokomotiva (Železniční doprava); vousatý nahý muž s kormidlem a lanem (Lodní doprava); vousatý muž v drapérii, stojí vedle kovadliny, v pravé ruce drží kladivo (Vulkán/Kovářství); žena v drapérii, v pravé ruce drží ozubené kolo (Průmysl); žena v drapérii drží štůček látky (Průmysl textilní); mladík v chlamydě, na hlavě okřídlený klobouk, v levici měšec (Merkur/Obchod); žena v drapérii s pokrytou hlavou drží v rukách roh hojnosti (Hojnost). V průčelí do náměstí šest volně stojících ženských postav v drapérii: žena se sovou u nohou (Věda); žena s tabulkou (Historie); žena s vavřínovým věncem a knihou, kterou věnčí (Vzdělání); žena s neidentifikovatelným předmětem (?); žena s ovázanýma očima a mečem (Spravedlnost); žena bez atributů (Ctnost). V průčelí do Csarnok tér šest postav: žena s lyrou (Hudba); žena bez atributů; tři ženy s veslem (alegorie řek patrně Dráva, Száva, Tisza?); žena v uherském kroji. V přízemí na průčelí do Vámház tér reliéfy: vousatý muž a dva putti se sobem (Asie), žena s lukem a dvěma putti (Amerika), žena s vějířem, dvěma putti a velbloudem (Afrika), žena se dvěma putti (Evropa)., Medvey 1939, s. 81; Török 1997, s. 112., and Původní účel budovy, hlavní celnice, se odrazil v alegorické sochařské výzdobě, která zahrnuje důležité zdroje prosperity a obecného blaha.
Black rats (Rattus rattus) are native to the Indian subcontinent but have now colonized most continents and islands following human movements and international trade. They are involved in the circulation and transmission to humans of many zoonotic agents as well as in massive damage to food stocks and native biodiversity in the regions they have settled. This study investigates the genetic diversity and possible origins of black rats from Benin, West Africa. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene in 90 individuals from nine localities in Benin. These sequences were subsequently compared to 390 other cytochrome b haplotypes from individuals from various European, Asian, American and African localities. Nucleotide polymorphism analysis, haplotype network and maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree reconstructions showed low mitochondrial diversity in black rats from Benin. Our results also suggest at least two distinct introduction events: one introduction probably occurred during the spice trade (15th-17th century) through the Indies Road connecting Europe to Asia. Other introduction events could have occurred more recently following the intensification of globalized trade from the eighteenth century, and onwards.
The host recognition and acceptance behaviour of two braconid larval parasitoids (Cotesia sesamiae and C. flavipes) were studied using natural stemborer hosts (i.e., the noctuid Busseola fusca for C. sesamiae, and the crambid Chilo partellus for C. flavipes) and a non-host (the pyralid Eldana saccharina). A single larva was introduced into an arena together with a female parasitoid and the behaviour of the wasp recorded until it either stung the larva or for a maximum of 5 min if it did not sting the larva. There was a clear hierarchy of behavioural steps, which was similar for both parasitoid species. In the presence of suitable host larvae, after a latency period of 16-17 s, the wasp walked rapidly drumming the surface with its antennae until it located the larva. After location and antennal examination of the host, which lasted 60-70 s and 30 s, respectively, the parasitoid inserted its ovipositor. Stinging that resulted in successful oviposition usually lasted 5-6 s. In the presence of non-host larvae, the latency period was between 25-70 s, and parasitoids spent significantly more time walking and antennal drumming on larvae without ovipositing. It is likely that these two parasitoid species use their antennae for host recognition, and both their antennae and tarsi for final acceptance of a host for oviposition. In both C. sesamiae and C. flavipes tactile and contact-chemoreception stimuli from the hosts seemed to play a major role in the decision to oviposit.
Figura mladé ženy v exotickém oděvu - šupinatý pancíř a krátká suknice s pláštěm, pravá ruka v bok, levice se opírá o pařez., Samek 1999#, 64-65., Schemper-Sparholz 2003#, 39-40., and Socha stála původně v areálu premonstrátského kláštera v Louce u Znojma, kde byla součástí větší skupiny soch antických božstev. Klášter byl v roce 1784 Josefem II. zrušen a sochy zakoupeny hrabětem Aloisem Ugartem a přeneseny do Jevišovic. Italský sochař Lorenzo Mattielli se inspiroval kresbami J. W. van der Auwera, s nímž dříve spolupracoval.