Die Causa Karel Domin. Eine Fallstudie zu den politisch motivierten Veränderungen in der Zusammensetzung der akademischen Gemeinde in den Jahren 1945-1948.
The genome of Bread wheat is still poorly understood, mainly due to its enormous size, hexaploid status and abundant repetitive sequences. Chromosome genomics simplifies the task by targeting single chromosomes and their arms. Advantages of this strategy over awhole-genome approach include the avoidance of problems due to the presence of homoeologs, reduction of work to manageable portions, cost efficiency and an opportunity for collaboration. and Jan Vrána.
Armenia is a small country situated in the Transcaucasus on the border of Europe and Asia. For visitors from Central Europe, the huge landscape variety from the perspective of geological, geomorfological and climatic factors is surprising, as well as the vegetation and floristic diversity. Here alpine vegetation, semideserts, phryganoid vegetations and mountain steppes occurre in the same area, together with interesting forest vegetation types. Beautiful country - side rich in ancient historical monuments is a great treasure for this small country lying at the crossroads of cultures, biogeo - graphical regions and migration routes. and Ester Ekrtová, Libor Ekrt.