Abandoned military training ranges are important biodiversity refuges in the modern landscape. We surveyed 41 such areas across the Czech Republic in order to establish butterfly diversity and abundances. We found exceptionally high species richness, including many nationally-threatened rarities like Phengaris arion, Polyommatus dorylas and Zygaena punctum. We conclude that the high conservational value of these areas was maintained by the former army activities, which encouraged high habitat heterogeneity. and Pavel Vrba a kol.
Rozsáhlý materiál bráněnek (Stratiomyidae, Diptera) byl studován z různých částí orientální oblasti včetně chráněných území (národních parků a rezervací). V letech 1994–2012 bylo popsáno více než 60 nových druhů a mnoho dalších druhů revidováno na základě typových jedinců uložených v různých světových sbírkách. Probíhal také sběr larev bráněnek a jejich odchov v laboratorních podmínkách. Jejich ústní ústrojí a povrchové struktury byly studovány s ohledem na jejich potravní specializaci., Extensive material of soldier flies (Stratiomyidae) was examined from different parts of the Oriental region including protected areas (Nature Parks and Reserves). During the 1994–2013 period more than 60 oriental species were described and many further species were revised on the basis of type specimens deposited in various world collections. In addition to the study of adults, mainly phytosaprophagous larvae were collected and reared under laboratory conditions. Their mouthparts and surface structures were examined with regard to their food preference., and Rudolf Rozkošný.