Die Präsentation archäologischer Denkmäler in Tschechien. Archäologische Areale in situ am Beispiel der Prager Burg und des Vyšehrads (Prager Hochburg).
Metabasic rocks of the Želešice type were one of the most intensively utilized raw materials used for the manufacture of Neolithic polished industry in the Middle Danube region. Primary sources are located in the Ophiolite Belt (formerly Metabasite Zone) of the Brno Batholith, approximately 5 km SW of Brno. All sites represent secondary workshops that are not located at the outcrops. Quarrying at the outcrops has not been directly confirmed for this period. The focus of this work is a complex description of a unique primary workshop recently discovered nearby primary outcrops. Recently obtained data has revealed new information about the lithic operational stages, morphology, dimensions and procurement of the raw material. Petrographic analysis reveals several subvarieties of metabasic rocks which were utilized to different degrees. Another goal of this work is to add to the debate regarding terminology of workshop sites., Jaroslav Bartík, Lukáš Krmíček, Tereza Rychtaříková, Petr Škrdla., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Einsatz zerstörungsfreier Untersuchungsverfahren zur Erforschung verschiedener Befundtypen an der multikulturellen funeralen Fundstelle in Nezabylice, Bez. Chomutov.