Během dvouleté bilaterální česko-slovenské mezivládní vědeckotechnické spolupráce se v letech 2010-2011 uskutečnil výzkum nazvaný Po stopách sv. Cyrila a Metoděje ve slovenské a české bibliografii (viz AB 11/2011), na němž participoval Ústav pre výskum kultúrneho dedičstva Cyrila a Metoda Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitře a jeho partnerské pracoviště, oddělení paleoslovenistiky a byzantologie Slovanského ústavu AV ČR v Praze. and Lubomíra Havlíková.
To mark the 40th death anniversary of František Dvorník, one of the eminent twentieth-century experts in Slavic and Byzantine history and in relations between the churches of Rome and Constantinople, the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the CAS organized the international symposium entitled Francis Dvorník: Scholar and His Work at villa Lanna in Prague. The conference was also included in the events celebrating the 125th anniversary of the foundation of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts. On September 10, 2015, the Institute of Slavonic studies of the CAS and the editorial board of Byzantinoslavica organized (also on the occasion of the 40th death anniversary of Francis Dvorník) an international workshop Lives, Roles and Actions of the Byzantine Empresses (4th-15th c.). and Martina Čechová.