The package contains Czech recordings of the Visual History Archive which consists of the interviews with the Holocaust survivors. The archive consists of audio recordings, four types of automatic transcripts, manual annotations of selected topics and interviews' metadata. The archive totally contains 353 recordings and 592 hours of interviews.
Czech Named Entity Corpus 1.1 fixes some issues of the Czech Named Entity Corpus 1.0: misannotated entities are fixed, all formats contain the same data, tmt format is replaced with treex format, all formats contain splitting into training, development and testing portion of the data. and SVV 267 314 (Teoretické základy informatiky a výpočetní lingvistiky), LM2010013 (LINDAT-CLARIN: Institut pro analýzu, zpracování a distribuci lingvistických dat), GPP406/12/P175 (Vybrané derivační vztahy pro automatické zpracování češtiny), PRVOUK (PRVOUK)
Czech Text Document Corpus v 2.0 is a collection of text documents for automatic document classification in Czech language. It is composed of the text documents provided by the Czech News Agency and is freely available for research purposes. This corpus was created in order to facilitate a straightforward comparison of the document classification approaches on Czech data. It is particularly dedicated to evaluation of multi-label document classification approaches, because one document is usually labelled with more than one label. Besides the information about the document classes, the corpus is also annotated at the morphological layer.
The main part (for training and testing) is composed of 11,955 real newspaper articles. We provide also a development set which is intended to be used for tuning of the hyper-parameters of the created models. This set contains 2735 additional articles.
The total category number is 60 out of which 37 most frequent ones are used for classification. The reason of this reduction is to keep only the classes with the sufficient number of occurrences to train the models.
Technical Details
Text documents are stored in the individual text files using UTF-8 encoding. Each filename is composed of the serial number and the list of the categories abbreviations separated by the underscore symbol and the .txt suffix. Serial numbers are composed of five digits and the numerical series starts from the value one.
For instance the file 00046_kul_nab_mag.txt represents the document file number 46 annotated by the categories kul (culture), nab (religion) and mag (magazine selection). The content of the document, i.e. the word tokens, is stored in one line. The tokens are separated by the space symbols.
Every text document was further automatically mophologically analyzed. This analysis includes lemmatization, POS tagging and syntactic parsing. The fully annotated files are stored in .conll files. We also provide the lemmatized form, file with suffix .lemma, and appropriate POS-tags, see .pos files. The tokenized version of the documents is also available in .tok files.
This corpus is available only for research purposes for free. Commercial use in any form is strictly excluded.
CzEng 1.0 is the fourth release of a sentence-parallel Czech-English corpus compiled at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL) freely available for non-commercial research purposes.
CzEng 1.0 contains 15 million parallel sentences (233 million English and 206 million Czech tokens) from seven different types of sources automatically annotated at surface and deep (a- and t-) layers of syntactic representation. and EuroMatrix Plus (FP7-ICT-2007-3-231720 of the EU and 7E09003+7E11051 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic),
Faust (FP7-ICT-2009-4-247762 of the EU and 7E11041 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic),
GAČR P406/10/P259,
GAUK 116310,
GAUK 4226/2011
Diachronic corpus of Czech sized 3.45 million words (i.e. 4.1 million tokens). It contains 116 texts from the 14th-20th century period. The texts are transcribed, not transliterated. Diakorp v6 is provided in a CoNLL-U-like vertical format used as an input to the Manatee query engine. The data thus correspond to the corpus available via the KonText query interface to the registered users of CNC at
EngVallex 2.0 as a slightly updated version of EngVallex. It is the English counterpart of the PDT-Vallex valency lexicon, using the same view of valency, valency frames and the description of a surface form of verbal arguments. EngVallex contains links also to PropBank (English predicate-argument lexicon). The EngVallex lexicon is fully linked to the English side of the PCEDT parallel treebank(s), which is in fact the PTB re-annotated using the Prague Dependency Treebank style of annotation. The EngVallex is available in an XML format in our repository, and also in a searchable form with examples from the PCEDT. EngVallex 2.0 is the same dataset as the EngVallex lexicon packaged with the PCEDT 3.0 corpus, but published separately under a more permissive licence, avoiding the need for LDC licence which is tied to PCEDT 3.0 as a whole.
The representative full-text digitalized HetWiK corpus is composed of 140 manually annotated texts of the German Resistance between 1933 and 1945. This includes both well-known and relatively unknown documents, public writings, like pamphlets or memoranda, as well as private texts, e.g. letters, journal or prison entries and biographies. Thus the corpus represents the diverse groups as well as the heterogeneity of verbal resistance and allows the study of resistance in relation to the language usage.
The HetWiK corpus can be used free of charge. A detailed register of the individual texts and further information about the tagset can be found on the project-homepage (german). In addition to the CATMA5 XML-format we provide a standoff-JSON format and CEC6-Files (CorpusExplorer) - so you can export the HetWiK corpus in different formats.
Hindi Visual Genome 1.0, a multimodal dataset consisting of text and images suitable for English-to-Hindi multimodal machine translation task and multimodal research. We have selected short English segments (captions) from Visual Genome along with associated images and automatically translated them to Hindi with manual post-editing, taking the associated images into account. The training set contains 29K segments. Further 1K and 1.6K segments are provided in a development and test sets, respectively, which follow the same (random) sampling from the original Hindi Visual Genome.
Additionally, a challenge test set of 1400 segments will be released for the WAT2019 multi-modal task. This challenge test set was created by searching for (particularly) ambiguous English words based on the embedding similarity and manually selecting those where the image helps to resolve the ambiguity.
Dataset Formats
The multimodal dataset contains both text and images.
The text parts of the dataset (train and test sets) are in simple tab-delimited plain text files.
All the text files have seven columns as follows:
Column1 - image_id
Column2 - X
Column3 - Y
Column4 - Width
Column5 - Height
Column6 - English Text
Column7 - Hindi Text
The image part contains the full images with the corresponding image_id as the file name. The X, Y, Width and Height columns indicate the rectangular region in the image described by the caption.
Data Statistics
The statistics of the current release is given below.
Parallel Corpus Statistics
Dataset Segments English Words Hindi Words
------- --------- ---------------- -------------
Train 28932 143178 136722
Dev 998 4922 4695
Test 1595 7852 7535
Challenge Test 1400 8185 8665 (Released separately)
------- --------- ---------------- -------------
Total 32925 164137 157617
The word counts are approximate, prior to tokenization.
If you use this corpus, please cite the following paper:
title={{Hindi Visual Genome: A Dataset for Multimodal English-to-Hindi Machine Translation}},
author={Parida, Shantipriya and Bojar, Ond{\v{r}}ej and Dash, Satya Ranjan},
journal={Computaci{\'o}n y Sistemas},
note={In print. Presented at CICLing 2019, La Rochelle, France},
Hindi monolingual corpus. It is based primarily on web crawls performed using various tools and at various times. Since the web is a living data source, we treat these crawls as completely separate sources, despite they may overlap. To estimate the magnitude of this overlap, we compared the total number of segments if we concatenate the individual sources (each source being deduplicated on its own) with the number of segments if we de-duplicate all sources to- gether. The difference is just around 1%, confirming, that various web crawls (or their subsequent processings) differ significantly.
HindMonoCorp contains data from:
Hindi web texts, a monolingual corpus containing mainly Hindi news articles has already been collected and released by Bojar et al. (2008). We use the HTML files as crawled for this corpus in 2010 and we add a small crawl performed in 2013 and re-process them with the current pipeline. These sources are denoted HWT 2010 and HWT 2013 in the following.
Hindi corpora in W2C have been collected by Martin Majliš during his project to automatically collect corpora in many languages (Majliš and Žabokrtský, 2012). There are in fact two corpora of Hindi available—one from web harvest (W2C Web) and one from the Wikipedia (W2C Wiki).
SpiderLing is a web crawl carried out during November and December 2013 using SpiderLing (Suchomel and Pomikálek, 2012). The pipeline includes extraction of plain texts and deduplication at the level of documents, see below.
CommonCrawl is a non-profit organization that regu- larly crawls the web and provides anyone with the data. We are grateful to Christian Buck for extracting plain text Hindi segments from the 2012 and 2013-fall crawls for us.
Intercorp – 7 books with their translations scanned and manually alligned per paragraph
RSS Feeds from and the Hindi version of BBC International followed by our custom crawler from September 2013 till January 2014. and LM2010013,
A petition for a referendum (called: "Schluss mit Gendersprache in Verwaltung und Bildung" / eng.: "abolition of gender language in administration and education") was formed in Hamburg in February 2023. The project "Empirical Gender Linguistics" at the "Leibniz Institute for the German Language" took this as an opportunity to completely scrap the "" website (except the list of ships in the Port of Hamburg and the yellow page). The website is the central digital contact point for citizens. The scraped texts were cleaned, processed and annotated using (TreeTagger - POS/Lemma information).
We use the corpus to analyze the use of words with gender signs.