Edice přináší nevelký soubor vzájemné korespondence politika Edvarda Beneše a jeho manželky Hany se spisovatelem Aloisem Jiráskem. Tvoří ji jedenáct dosud nepublikovaných archivních dokumentů z let 1921-1927, které představují příležitostnou, zejména zdvořilostní korespondenci. Vzájemný písemný kontakt iniciovali manželé Benešovi a svědčí o jejich světonázorové orientace a společenské zdvořilosti. Nejzajímavější je blahopřání H. Benešové k 70. narozeninám A. Jiráska (1921), sepsané jako osobnější recepce spisovatelova díla v době první světové války., Correspondence between Edvard Beneš, Hana Benešová and Alois Jirásek This publication presents a modest collection of correspondence between politician Edvard Beneš (1884-1948), his wife Hana (1885-1974) and writer Alois Jirásek (1851-1930). It comprises eleven previously unpublished archive documents from 1921 to 1927, made up of occasional, mostly courtesy correspondence. This liaison by mail was initiated by Beneš and his wife. It indicates the nature of their world view and their social courtesy. The most interesting item is Hana Benešová's congratulations on Jirásek's 70th birthday (1921), expressing her personal appreciation of the writer's work during the First World War. (Translated by Melvyn Clarke.), and Překlad resumé: Melvyn Clarke
This article examines the mutual relationship between King Sigismund of Luxembourg and his sister-in-law, Czech Queen Sophia of Bavaria. Sophia of Bavaria, the wife of Czech King Wenceslas IV, was forced to leave the Kingdom of Bohemia; accompanied by Wenceslas’ brother Sigismund, she left for Hungary. She spent the last several years of her life (1422-1428) in exile in Bratislava. The sojourn of the Queen in Bratislava is surrounded by many legends that originated primarily as a result of unilateral interpretations of Sophia’s correspondence with her brothers, Dukes Ernest and Wilhelm of Bavaria. This study attempts to confront this correspondence with available written sources from the Hungarian province. and Daniela Dvořáková.