Z 20 855 nádorů hlavy a krku (HNC), uvedených v registru nádorů ČR v letech 1976–2005 bylo 4 912 vícečetných případů, z toho 3 679 (74,9 %) u mužů a 1 233 (25,1 %) u žen, tj. ze všech hlášených HNC bylo 17,6 % případů u mužů a 19,5 % u žen spojeno s výskytem dalšího nádoru. U mužů bylo 56,3 % primárních a 43,7 % následných HNC, u žen 43,8 % a 56,2 %. Počet primárních HNC rostl během první dekády a pak klesal, počet následných HNC trvale rostl. Ze 14 krajů se vyskytlo 51,6 % vícečetných HNC v pěti krajích (Moravskoslezský, Jihomoravský, Praha, Jihočeský, Středočeský). Nejvíce bylo 28,8 % vícečetných nádorů rtů, 11,9 % tonzil a 11,1 % příušní žlázy. Po primárních 2 070 HNC u mužů se vyskytlo 2 436 následných novotvarů za průměrnou dobu 6,7 roku, po primárních 540 HNC u žen 649 dalších novotvarů za 6,9 roku. Z 425 synchronních případů bylo nejvíc nádorů dýchacího systému, kůže a jiných HNC, z 2 660 metachronních případů nádory kůže, dýchacího a trávicího systému. Následným 2 302 HNC předcházelo 2 858 jiných novotarů, nejvíce kůže, dýchacího systému a jiných lokalizací HNC. Očekávané nižší zastoupení pokročilých klinických stadií se nepotvrdilo. Z 2 436 následných novotvarů u mužů a 649 u žen bylo hlášeno po primárních časných stadiích HNC 16,1 % mužů a 18,6 % žen v následném stadiu I, II, 10,7 % mužů a 7,8 % žen ve stadiu III, IV; po pokročilých primárních stadiích HNC bylo 8,2 % mužů a 6,5 % žen v následném stadiu I, II, 8,9 % mužů a 5,2 % žen ve stadiu III, IV; nehlášená stadia představovala u mužů 56,1 %, u žen 61,9 %. Všech 729 dalších pokročilých nádorů (606 mužů, 123 žen) představovalo 3,5 % nemocných s primárním HNC, evidovaných v registru za 30 let, což bylo asi 1 540 nemocných s HNC, postižených dalším pokročilým nádorem z 43 850 HNC za 50 let. K říjnu 2007 přežívalo z primárních HNC 14,7 % mužů a 20,6 % žen a zemřelo 85,3 % mužů a 79,4 % žen. V roce 2015 bude v ČR léčeno téměř 8 tisíc přežívajících s HNC, část z nich s vícečetnými nádory. Naplní se jejich očekávané počty?, A total of 20,855 head and neck cancers (HNC), based in the Czech Cancer Registry in 1976–2005, there were notificated 4,912 multiple cancers, of which were 3,679 (74.9 %) in males and 1,233 (25.1 %) in females, i.e. 17.6 % cases in males and 19.5 % in females of total HNC, affected by other neoplasms. There were 56.3 % primary and 43.7 % subsequent HNC in males, 43.8 % and 56.2 % in females. The number of primary HNC incerased during the first decade and then decreased, the number of subsequent HNC increased steadily. A total of 14 Czech regions were distributed 51.6 % multiple HNC in five regions (Northern and Southern Moravia, Prague, Southern and Central Bohemia). The most frequent were 28.8 % multiple cancers of lips, 11.9 % of tonsils, 11.1 % of parotid gands. The primary 2,070 HNC in males were followed by 2,436 other neoplasms in the average interval 6.7 years; the primary 540 HNC in females were followed by 649 other neoplasms in males in the average interval 6.9 years. The most frequent diagnoses of 425 synchronous cases were cancers of respiratory tract, skin and other HNC, of 2,660 metachronous cases were cancers of skin, respiratory and digestive tract. The subsequent 2.302 HNC were preceded by 2.858 other neoplasms with the most frequent cancers of skin, respiratory tract and other HNC. The expected low representation of advanced clinical stages was not confirmed. Of 2,436 subsequent neoplasms in males and 649 in females were registered after early HNC stages in 16.1 % males and 18.6 % females of stages I, II, in 10.7 % males and 7.8 % females of stages III, IV; after advanced HNC stages were in 8.2 % males and 6.5% females of stages I, II, in 8.9 % males and 5.2 % females of stages III, IV; the unknown stages represented 56.1 % in males and 61.9 % in females of subsequent neoplasms. All 729 subsequent advanced cancers (606 males, 123 females) represented 3.5 % of total registered cases of HNC during 30 years and about 1,540 patients with HNC affected by other subsequent cancer of 43,850 HNC based in the Czech Cancer Registry during half-century. Up to Oct. 2007, of the primary HNC 14.7 % males and 20.6 % females survived, and those 85.3 % males and 79.4 % females died. Nearly 8,000 patients is estimated to be treated for HNC, some of them with multiple cancers, in the Czech Republic in 2015. Will be reached their expected numbers? clinical stages., Edvard Geryk, Jiří Kozel, Theodor Horváth, Petr Kubíček, and Literatura 30
Česká republika patří celosvětově mezi země s nejvyšším výskytem kolorektálního karcinomu (KRK), jehož incidence však mezi českými kraji není distribuována rovnoměrně. Ve všech epidemiologických ukazatelích (incidence, mortalita i prevalence) tohoto maligního onemocnění dominuje Plzeňský kraj. Vzhledem k prodlužování průměrné délky života vzrostl v posledním desetiletí podíl KRK jako druhého metachronního primárního maligního onemocnění. V roce 2000 byl zahájen Národní program screeningu KRK, který t. č. nabízí asymptomatickým jedincům starším 50 let možnost výběru ze dvou screeningových metod (testy na okultní krvácení a primární screeningová kolonoskopie). Od roku 2006 bylo v rámci screeningu kolonoskopicky vyšetřeno 57 255 osob, u 17 760 (31,0 %) z nich byly diagnostikovány a odstraněny adenomové polypy a u 2 665 (4,7 %) byl nalezen karcinom., The Czech Republic belongs to the countries with highest colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence worldwide which differs in regions of this country. The Pilsner region stands out in all epidemiologic features (incidence, mortality, prevalence). The proportion of CRC as the second metachronous primary malignant disease has increased in past ten years, due to the elongation of life expectancy. The National colorectal cancer screening programme was launched in year 2000. Nowadays two screening methods (fecal occult glood tests and primary screening colonoscopy) are offered to asymptomatic individuals aged over 57 255 people have been examined by colonoscopy since year 2006. Adenomas were removed in 17 760 of them (31.0 %) and cancer was diagnosed in 2 665 (4.7 %) individuals., Miroslav Zavoral, Štěpán Suchánek, Gabriela Vepřeková, Ondřej Májek, Jakub Gregor, Ladislav Dušek, and Lit.: 13
This is the first study detailing the microhabitat specificity of the monogenean parasite, Paradiplozoon ichthyoxanthon Avenant-Oldewage in Avenant-Oldewage et al., 2014. Samples of the monogenean were collected from the gills of the smallmouth yellowfish Labeobarbus aeneus (Burchell) from the Vaal Dam, South Africa, over four seasons with the use of gill nets. Host condition factor fluctuated between the different seasons, with the highest values recorded in summer. Adults and diporpas of P. ichthyoxanthon were found in all four seasons. Adult parasites predominantly infect the first gill arch, whereas diporpas were found on the second and fourth arches. In utero eggs were also found throughout the sampling seasons and their number negatively correlated with the condition factor of the host. The occurrence of adults and diporpas of P. ichthyoxanthon correlated with the size of the host but not the condition factor. Water quality of the study site also had little correlational relationship with the occurrence of the parasites and fluctuations were related to season. The main factor that may drive the microhabitat specificity of P. ichthyoxanthon is the flow of water over the surfaces of the gills and chances of the parasites becoming dislodged. Size of the attachment organs has also been shown to play a role in this specificity, because smaller attachment structures favour stronger holdfast to areas where flow might be stronger compared to larger attachment structures., Beric M. Gilbert, Annemariè Avenant-Oldewage., and Obsahuje bibliografii
BACKGROUND: Latitude gradients and secular trends in Europe and North America have been found in the male-female ratio at birth (M/F: male births divided by total births) which approximates 0.515. METHODS: Annual national data for Yugoslavia and the post-Yugoslavia States for male and female live births were obtained from the World Health Organisation and analysed with contingency tables. RESULTS: This study analysed 22,020,729 live births. There was a increasing trend in M/F prior to the breakup of the former Yugoslavia (1950-1990, p = 0.002), followed by a decreasing trend after 1990 (p = 0.02). A latitude gradient was also noted, with more males being born in southern, warmer latitudes (p < 0.0001). There was an overall excess of 42,753 male births based on an anticipated M/F of 0.515. CONCLUSION: M/F is decreasing in this region, similar to the rest of Europe and North America. A latitude gradient is also present with more males being born in warmer (more Southern) latitudes (p < 0.0001), even in this small region and over the short time-frame studied. and V. Grech
Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908) is an obligate intracellular, parasitic protozoan within the phylum Apicomplexa that causes toxoplasmosis in mammalian hosts (including humans) and birds. Since meat of wild boar, Sus scrofa (Linnaeus), has been demonstrated to be a potential source of human infection, a careful evaluation of the prevalence of infection with T. gondii in hunted animals is needed to protect public health. In the Var area in southeastern France, we performed a spatio-temporal survey in order to investigate the prevalence of IgG antibodies in wild boars shot by hunters in the Canjuers military camp during two subsequent hunting seasons. Of 841 wild boars screened, antibodies (IgG) to T. gondii (modified agglutination test, cut-off 1 : 6) were found in 141 (16.8%) muscle extract samples. A significant association (p < 0.001) was found between positivity and age, but not gender, and hunting districts. The results obtained indicate that consumption of raw or undercooked meat from wild boars carries an important risk of infection with T. gondii. Wild boars may be considered as a bioindicator of parasite circulation in this ecosystem., Cédric Roqueplo, Radu Blaga, Jean-Lou Marié, Isabelle Vallée, Bernard Davoust., and Obsahuje bibliografii