Featured in this issue is an article by Jiří Wiedermann, the director of the Institute of Computer Science of the ASCR, on periodical research assessment in the field of Computer Sciences in the Netherlands from 2002-2008. All publicly funded research in the Netherlands is evaluated once every six years. The evaluation system aims at three objectives regarding research and research management: improvement of the quality of research through an assessment carried out in accord with international standards of quality and relevance; improvement of research management and leadership; seeking higher levels of accountability by research organizations and funding organizations, government and the society at large. and Jiří Wiedermann.
The project International Audit of Research, Development and Innovations in the Czech Republic and Implementation of its Conclusions into Strategic Documents provides an external and independent evaluation of the research, development and innovation system in the Czech Republic and its current results. Further conditions for personal and professional growth of, in particular, young researchers in different types of institutions involved in science and research is analysed along with the efficiency of post-graduate studies. The project also focuses on an analysis of relations between academic and industrial sectors and the status of intellectual property protection. Project results will be implemented into the updated Reform of the Research, Development and Innovation System in the Czech Republic and National Policy of Research, Deve-lopment and Innovations in the Czech Republic between 2009 and 2015, for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency of public support. Such results will be also used for the completion of a comprehensive system of evaluation of research and development results to ensure the objective allocation of institutional support. and Podepsáno pod článkem jako "Zpráva projektového týmu"
Human figure drawing test as a psychodiagnos-tic method has been used for almost 100 years. During this period it has gained its supporters and opponents. The human figure drawing test can be approached in several ways that have his-torically developed. The aim of this work is to present interpretative paradigms (complex eval-uation systems), which have different theoretical backrounds as well as ways of interpreting the results. Each of the approaches – performance based, projective, global, dynamic and typologi-cal – is presented by the main representatives, by the basic ideas behind their origin, manners of evaluation, but also by critical evaluation based on researches – pointing to perspectives and limits. and Kresba ľudskej postavy ako psychodiagnos-tická metóda je používaná takmer 100 rokov a za toto obdobie si získala svojich zástancov aj odporcov. K testu kresby ľudskej postavy je možné pristupovať viacerými spôsobmi, ktoré sa historicky vyprofilovali. Cieľom tejto práce je prezentovať interpretačné paradigmy (kom-plexné hodnotiace systémy), ktoré majú odlišné teoretické východiská ako aj spôsoby interpretá-cie výsledkov. Každý z prístupov – výkonový, projektívny, globálny, dynamický a typologic-ký – je prezentovaný hlavnými predstaviteľmi, s uvedením základných myšlienok stojacich na pozadí ich vzniku, spôsobom vyhodnotenia, ale aj kritického zhodnotenia opierajúc sa o realizo-vané výskumy – s poukázaním na perspektívy a limity.
The collection comprises the relevance judgments used in the 2023 LongEval Information Retrieval Lab (https://clef-longeval.github.io/), organized at CLEF. It consists of three sets of relevance judgments:
1) Relevance judgments for the heldout queries from the LongEval Train Collection (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-5010).
2) Relevance judgments for the short-term persistence (sub-task A) queries from the LongEval Test Collection (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-5139).
3) Relevance judgments for the long-term persistence (sub-task B) queries from the LongEval Test Collection (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-5139).
These judgments were provided by the Qwant search engine (https://www.qwant.com) and were generated using a click model. The click model output was based on the clicks of Qwant's users, but it mitigates noise from raw user clicks caused by positional bias and also better safeguards users' privacy. Consequently, it can serve as a reliable soft relevance estimate for evaluating and training models.
The collection includes a total of 1,420 judgments for the heldout queries, with 74 considered highly relevant and 326 deemed relevant. For the short-term sub-task queries, there are 12,217 judgments, including 762 highly relevant and 2,608 relevant ones. As for the long-term sub-task queries, there are 13,467 judgments, with 936 being highly relevant and 2,899 relevant.
Document-level testsuite for evaluation of gender translation consistency.
Our Document-Level test set consists of selected English documents from the WMT21 newstest annotated with gender information. Czech unnanotated references are also added for convenience.
We semi-automatically annotated person names and pronouns to identify the gender of these elements as well as coreferences.
Our proposed annotation consists of three elements: (1) an ID, (2) an element class, and (3) gender.
The ID identifies a person's name and its occurrences (name and pronouns).
The element class identifies whether the tag refers to a name or a pronoun.
Finally, the gender information defines whether the element is masculine or feminine.
We performed a series of NLP techniques to automatically identify person names and coreferences.
This initial process resulted in a set containing 45 documents to be manually annotated.
Thus, we started a manual annotation of these documents to make sure they are correctly tagged.
See README.md for more details.
This article presents an alternative approach useful for medical practitioners who wish to detect malaria and accurately identify the level of severity. Malaria classi?ers are usually based on feed forward neural networks. In this study, the proposed classiffier is developed based on the Jordan-Elman neural networks. Its performance is evaluated using a receiver-operating characteristic curve, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, confusion matrix, mean square error, determinant coefficient, and reliability. The effectiveness of the classiffier is compared to a support vector machine and multiple regression models. The results of the comparative analysis demonstrate a superior performance level of the Jordan-Elman neural network model. Further comparison of the classier with previous literature indicates performance improvement over existing results. The Jordan-Elman neural networks classiffier can assist medical practitioners in the fast detection of malaria and determining its severity, especially in tropical and subtropical regions where cases of malaria are prevalent
Manually ranked outputs of Czech-Slovak translations. Three annotators manually ranked outputs of five MT systems (Česílko, Česílko2, Google Translate and two Moses setups) on three data sets (100 sentences randomly selected from books, 100 sentences randomly selected from Acquis corpus and 50 first sentences from WMT 2010 test set). Ranking was applied in MT systems comparison in [1].
[1] Ondřej Bojar, Petra Galuščáková, and Miroslav Týnovský. Evaluating Quality of Machine Translation from Czech to Slovak. In Markéta Lopatková, editor, Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, pages 3-9, September 2011 and This work has been supported by the grant Euro-MatrixPlus (FP7-ICT-2007-3-231720 of the EU and
7E09003 of the Czech Republic)
Stejnojmenný seminář se z iniciativy Grantové agentury ČR uskutečnil 20. května 2015 v budově Akademie věd na Národní třídě v Praze. Jako hlavní řečníci vystoupili prof. Štěpán Jurajda a doc. Daniel Münich z CERGE-EI (společného pracoviště Univerzity Karlovy a Národohospodářského ústavu AV ČR) a prof. Jaroslav Pánek z Historického ústavu AV ČR. Grantová agentura ČR jako nejvýznamnější poskytovatel účelových finančních prostředků v oblasti základního výzkumu tímto seminářem poukázala na význam společenských a humanitních oborů a na dopad jejich výsledků. Téma bylo zvoleno i s ohledem na to, že jde o faktor, který hraje významnou roli při přípravě a hodnocení grantových projektů. and Jaroslav Pánek ; autor úvodu Pavel Baran.
P. Liessmann, an Austrian philosopher from the University of Vienna who is well-known for his essay "Theory of Uneducation". This work is critical of the European institutions of higher edication. The Council for the popularization of science of ASCR in cooperation the Philosophical institute of ASCR, organized a press conference and a lecture with Prof. Paul Konrad Liessmann, a well-known Austrian philosopher, awarded by the Austrian State Prize for Cultural Journalism in 1996 and Scientist Prize 2006 (2007). and Petr Hlaváček.