Príspevok tematizuje pluralitu žánrov filozofickej literatúry a v rámci nej sa sústreďuje na filozofickú esej. Autor podáva stručný náčrt vývinu tohto žánru a na príklade aktuálnych esejí slovenskej filozofky a literátky E. Farkašovej prezentuje niektoré z jeho možností pri reflexii súčasnej doby., The article treats of the plurality of genres of philosophical literature and, in this context, focuses on the philosophical essay. The author provides a concise characterisation of the development of this genre and, using the example of the topical essays of Slovak philosopher and literary critique E. Farkašová, presents several possibilities for reflecting on contemporary times., and Emil Višňovský.
The systematic and interdisciplinary study of relations between technology and culture is at the core of one project at the Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT). This text introduces the institutional background of this project as well as some early ac-tivities and first results. After that it focuses on the theoretical foundations for the concepts of technology and culture being used in this project. Based on these thoughts the correlation between technology and culture is being illustrated and some examples of its interdependencies are given. Finally some concluding theses are presented. and Gerhard Banse, Robert Hauser.