Studie je vnitřně soudržnou interpretací Rortyho pojetí poznání, jak je lze rekonstruovat na základě knihy Filosofie a zrcadlo přírody. Ačkoli Rorty kritizuje v podstatě všechny teorie poznání, lze ukázat, že sám pracuje s jistou pozitivní představou nejen o tom, v čem poznání nespočívá, nýbrž také o tom, oč v něm pozitivně jde. Studie popisuje podstatné ohledy Rortyho pojetí poznání (poznání jako praxe zdůvodňování, poznání jako popis, poznání jako upravování teorie, poznání jako zvládání) a předvádí Rortyho kritiku epistemologie s pozitivní oporou v konceptu sebeurčení. Závěr studie tematizuje otázku, jakým způsobem Rorty může zdůvodnit odmítnutí epistemologie a přijetí hermeneutického hlediska., This study is a systematic interpretation of Rorty’s conception of knowledge as it can be reconstructed on the basis of the book Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. Although Rorty is sweeping in his criticism of theories of knowledge, it can still be shown that he himself works with a certain positive conception not only of what knowledge does not consist in, but also of what it positively concerns. The study describes the basic points of Rorty’s conception of knowledge (knowledge as the practice of justification, knowledge as description, knowledge as the modification of theory, knowledge as coping), and it presents Rorty’s critique of epistemology in favour of the concept of self-determination. The conclusion of the study looks at the question of how Rorty is able to justify the rejection of epistemology and the acceptance of a hermeneutical viewpoint., and Martin Ritter.
The joys of the Czech avant-garde. On the amalgamation of literature, art and philosophy based on the examples from the works of Jindřich Štyrský, Toyen, Vítězslav Nezval and František Drtikol. and Rozkoše české avantgardy. O fúzi literatury, umění a filozofie na příkladu tvorby Jindřicha Štyrského, Toyen, Vítězslava Nezvala a Františka Drtikola.
The aim of the article is to interpret Heidegger’s theory of understanding as a specific contribution to the investigation of human action. First, Heidegger’s notion of understanding as practical copying is explained and is distinguished from the analytic theory of action based on the concept of intention. Second, the possibility of grasping intentional action as an answer to the situation of disturbed understanding is analysed against the background of Heidegger’s concept of the worldliness of the world. The article attempts to supplement Heidegger’s conception. The genesis of intentional action may be sought in the notion of the identity of self-understanding that is grounded in Dasein’s elaboration of the overall interpretation of the world and in Dasein’s explicit reflexion of the possibilities of his or her own existence. In this context, the relationship between the analysis of action and the lifeworld concept is outlined and it is stressed that theoretical reflection may play an important role in deliberation over possibilities of action. At the end of the article, Gadamer’s concepts of dialogue and play are employed to highlight some conditions that result from social dimension of action and restrict the formulation of intentions. The article approaches Heidegger’s notion of understanding in an unorthodox way: through a hermeneutical dialogue with different interpretative and philosophical positions., Martin Ďurďovič., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
Different Conceptions of Mathematics in Selected Authors from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age. Is Mathematics a Theoretical Science or a Mere Technique?