Myxidium biliare sp. n., a new myxosporean species parasitizing the gall bladder of Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns), in Patagonia, is described. Its coelozoic plasmodia were floating free in the bile. Spores are fusiform 13.7 ± 0.9 µm long and 6.9 ± 0.6 µm wide, with rounded ends in frontal view and slightly pointed ends in sutural view; shell with ridges and sinuous sutural line. Both maximum prevalence and maximum percentage of immature plasmodia occurred in summer. In winter the prevalence and the percentage of immature plasmodia fell to their lowest values. Prevalence was independent of host sex but increased with host length. Prevalence in 15 Patagonian Andean lakes (situated from 39°25'S to 41°30'S) ranged between 4.2% and 70%.
The life cycle of Hedruris spinigera Baylis, 1931 (Nematoda: Hedruridae) is determined here with the first formal identification of the parasite's intermediate host: the crustacean amphipod Paracorophium excavatum Thomson. Adult H. spinigera are redescribed from specimens collected from the stomach of fishes, Retropinna retropinna (Richardson) and Aldrichetta forsteri (Valenciennes), from Lake Waihola, New Zealand. Immature adults of the parasite collected from intermediate hosts (P. excavatum) are also described for the first time. The prevalence, abundance and intensity of infection of H. spinigera in several fish species are quantified along with the occurrence of P. excavatum, the parasite's intermediate host, in fish stomach contents. Although H. spinigera's transmission mode (trophic transmission) and fish diet potentially expose all fish species to infection, some level of host specificity must exist as parasite prevalence, abundance and intensity of infection vary greatly between potential definitive host species. We suggest here that the anatomy of the fish digestive tract and especially that of the stomach plays an important role in host suitability for H. spinigera. While P. excavatum is the only intermediate host in Lake Waihola, H. spinigera was found in six different fish species: Aldrichetta forsteri, Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns), Retropinna retropinna, Rhombosolea retiaria Hutton, Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus and Salmo trutta Linnaeus; although typical hedrurid attachment and mating positions were observed only in R. retropinna and A. forsteri. The limited distribution of H. spinigera is most likely due to that of its different host species (intermediate and definitive), all inhabitants of coastal fresh and brackish waters.
Species of the cnidarian genus Henneguya Thélohan, 1892 (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) are histozoic parasites commonly found in freshwater and, more rarely, in marine fish. The development of these parasites in fish tissues includes the formation of plasmodia within which occurs the sporogony originating spores with two caudal processes, which are usually randomly distributed within the plasmodia. In this report the authors present some cases of non-random distribution of the spores of six species of Henneguya within their plasmodia. Two different patterns of non-random distribution were found based on a literature survey. These patterns and their origin are discussed. Apparently this non-random distribution of the spores is due to both internal and external factors.
Kašna s Neptunem. and Socha byla původně na kašně na Hlavním náměstí v Opavě, kolem roku 1800 přemístěna do Městských sadů, odkud byla převezena (cca v roce 1960) do Arboreta v Novém Dvoře, odkud byla v sedmdesátých letech 20. století ukradena.
A new nematode species, Philometroides caudata sp.n., is described from the swimbladder (under the serosa cover) of the freshwater pimelodid catfish, Rhamdia guatemalensis, from cenotes (— sinkholes) in Yucatan, southeastern Mexico. It differs from all hitherto known members of the genus, except P. maplestoni (Travassos, Artigas et Pereira, 1928), in having the functional anus, the conical tail with a terminal knob-like structure and the oesophagus without an anterior inflation in female, and in the structure of the caudal end in male. It can be distinguished from P. maplestoni (described only from females) by the extent of embossed cuticle, the size of body and the host type. P. caudata, representing a Neotropical element, is the first Philometroides species reported from freshwater fishes in Mexico.
Previous studies have recorded Spironucleus torosus Poynton et Morrison, 1990 from several species of gadoid fishes, including the only freshwater gadoid, the burbot Lota lota (L.). Two morphologically different isolates of S. torosus have been described (elongate and pyriform). Both have been found in saltwater, while only the elongate has been found in freshwater. To address the conspecificity of the two morphs of S. torosus, and to identify the source of S. torosus in burbot in Norway, we have sequenced the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene from 43 isolates of S. torosus from six species of gadoid fishes sampled at 15 localities in Norway, Sweden and the Baltic Sea. Phylogenetic analyses of the SSU rRNA gene sequence data recovered two major clades, one containing mainly isolates from burbot, while the other contained isolates from marine gadoid fishes only. The genetic distance (based on 25 nucleotide substitutions in 789 base pairs) separating the two assemblages was not large enough to consider the two groups separate species. Spironucleus torosus isolated from burbot displayed limited genetic variation in the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene along the post-Pleistocene migration route of its host. The present study is the first report of S. torosus in tusk Brosme brosme (Ascanius), whiting Merlangius merlangus (L.), and fourbeard rockling Enchelyopus cimbrius (L.).
Na jižním zahradním průčelí, na atice střechy čtyři alegorické sochy, stojící postavy nahých žen: Země (rýč, roh hojnosti), Voda (džber s vodou a ryba), Vzduch (draperie vlající nad hlavou), Oheň (na zemi plameny, nádoba s hořícím ohněm, pochodeň) - Čtyři živly., Poche 1980#, 78-80., Vlček 2001#, 413., and Originály soch jsou dnes ve vstupním vestibulu zámku.
Alegorické sousoší na soklu (kopie originálu z roku 1749) představuje jeden ze čzyř živů - Vodu. Dvě ženské postavy - Nereidy s atributy lovu: sítě plné ryb, mušle, krab, do sítě je chycen i putto. Na soklu sedící vousatý muž s kormidlem a nádobou na vodu - personifikace řeky.,, and Die originalen Figuren sind Werke französischer Bildhauer aus den Jahren 1748 bis 1764. "Venus" und "Merkur" von Jean Baptiste Pigalle kamen als Geschenk des französischen Königs Ludwigs XV. in den Park, die anderen Figuren wurden von den Bildhauern Lambert Sigisbert Adam, Francois Gaspard Balthasar Adam und Sigisbert Francois Michel geschaffen. Friedrich II. bemühte sich selbst sehr um die Vervollständigung des Rondells.
Kresba perem a štětcem ((320 x 195 mm). Kompozice na malé vyvýšenině u vodní hladiny. Na skalisku sedí mladý muž s vavřínovým věncem na hlavě, hraje na lyru, sedí na hřbetě velké ryby, která z tlamy vyvrhuje dítě, jinocha a starce, ten se zavřenýma očima již leží pod vodou., Volrábová 2007#, 132-133., and Patrně návrh na městskou kašnu se symboly života a smrti. Latinský nápis by mohl být parafrází textu básně Johanna Jacoba Balde, ze sbírky De Vanitate Mundi, 1636. Pokud by tomu tak bylo, muselo by se jednat o jiného autora než H. Krumpera, který zemřel roku 1634.