The occurrence of succulent flora on Santa Catalina, Carmen and Cedros islands around the Baja California peninsula in Mexico is presented. Populations of endemic species of plants and animals are in good condition; except for Ferocactus diguetii subsp. carmenesis on Carmen Island, previously collected and transported to the mainland. and Libor Kunte.
This was the theme of the 4th International Congress on Orchid Conservation that took place in Hluboká nad Vltavou from May 2009 - June 6, 2011. Organisers noted "we are now experiencing dramatic changes in most aspects of your life. Modern technologies are being devised and deployed with increasing frequency; and although they make your lives easier, their consequences, such as air, soil and water, pollution greatly increase the pressure on your already over-stressed environment. To keep up with a rapidly growing human population, agricultural practices tend to be more and more intensive, which in turn has a negative effect on biodiversity in agricultural landscapes." and Pavel Kindlmann.
Armenia is a small country situated in the Transcaucasus on the border of Europe and Asia. For visitors from Central Europe, the huge landscape variety from the perspective of geological, geomorfological and climatic factors is surprising, as well as the vegetation and floristic diversity. Here alpine vegetation, semideserts, phryganoid vegetations and mountain steppes occurre in the same area, together with interesting forest vegetation types. Beautiful country - side rich in ancient historical monuments is a great treasure for this small country lying at the crossroads of cultures, biogeo - graphical regions and migration routes. and Ester Ekrtová, Libor Ekrt.
In Armenia, more than 50 % of the territory lies at an altitude of over 2 000 metres a. s. l. The overall landscape and the mountain flora and vegetation are determined by volcanic areas alternating with crystalline massif or limestone areas. and Ester Ekrtová, Libor Ekrt.
Co víme o květeně Brna? S jakými údaji můžeme pracovat a jaká je metodika sběru floristických údajů? Těmito tématy se zabývá článek shrnující dosavadní poznání květeny města Brna., What do we know about flora in the city of Brno? Which data are available and which methods were used for floristic data sampling? These are the topicscovered in the summary of recent findings on the flora in the city of Brno., and Zdeňka Lososová, Kateřina Šumberová, Lubomír Tichý, Jiří Danihelka, Marie Vymazalová.
The Southern Urals are an inspiring place for Czech naturalists. This paper provides basic information on this seldom visited region and describes the impressions of the two Czech biologists from their excursion to this place. The nature of the Southern Urals captivated them with its wildness, unrivalled in present-day Central Europe, its intrinsic order and the similarities with Central European nature. and Jan Roleček, Jan Losík.