The flora of the CR harbours 48 endemic (sub)species of vascular plants (plus 26 taxa considered as near-endemic). Most of them occur above the timberline in the High Sudetes Mts. while others are restricted to lowland habitats with specific edaphic or topographic features (serpentine outcrops, calcareous fens, rocks in steep river valleys). Apomicts clearly prevail (49 taxa, especially Hieracium and Sorbus). All endemics are evolutionarily young (neoendemics) and their origin is mostly associated with the Quaternary climatic oscillations. and Jan Suda, Zdeněk Kaplan.
Czech botanists have participated in research into the taxonomy, diversity and ecology of plants in the equatorial high Andes since the mid 90s. The results include a description of new species of vascular plants and lichens, a contribution to generic flora, one monography and publication of several dozen original papers. and Petr Sklenář.
This article describes abandoned old clay pits in the Přelouč district, which became a refuge for several plant and animal species of conservation concern. and Martin Kohoutek, Jiří Rejl.
Borneo je ostrovem se zajímavou geomorfologií a překvapivě různorodou geologií. Oba faktory se spolu s historickým vývojem určujícím migrace druhů podílely na současné pestrosti bornejské flóry. Pozoruhodné funkční a taxonomické skupiny rostlin najdeme nejen v zapojeném lese, ale také nad horní hranicí lesa, v pobřežních prostředích, podél vodních toků a jinde. V krátkosti jsou představeny vybrané funční skupiny epifyty, epifyly, liány, masožravé rostliny s význačným rodem láčkovka, nezelené rostliny, rheofyty a alpinské rostliny, mezi kterými nalezneme i trávy temeprátních oblastí. Z pozoruhodných taxonomických skupin představujeme zázvory, áronovité, begonie a pěnišníky, které mají na Borneu jedno z center své diverzity., Borneo is an island with conspicuous geomorphology and variable geology. Both factors have contributed, along with historical development determining species migrations, to the present richness of the flora of Borneo. Remarkable functional and taxonomic groups of herbs occur not only in closed forests, but also above the timberline, in coastal and riparian habitats, and elsewhere. Selected functional groups are briefly introduced: epiphytes, epiphylles, rheophytes, carnivorous, achlorophyllous and alpine plants. From conspicuous taxonomic groups, we introduce gingers, aroids, begonias and rhododendrons., and Martin Dančák ... [et al.].
This article refers to the rich vegetation on the rocky slopes along the Achensee (Tyrol, Northern calcareous Alps, Karwendelalpen) described by Professor Anton Kerner 150 years ago. The vegetation today is much less diverse, the subalpine species abundant in the last centuries are absent while the species of mixed mountainous forest prevail. The abundance of the Heather (Calluna vulgaris), which was not mentioned by A. Kerner, may indicate acidification due to acid rain. And the retreat of subalpine species may indicate the on going change to a warmer climate. and Jarmila Kubíková.
The existence of pollination syndromes and the degree of specialization in these systems are still discussed. Three examples from the tropical mountain communities in the Bamenda Highlands (Cameroon) show that a detailed knowledge of plants and their visitors and pollinator behavioral studies are necessary before evolutionary hypotheses can be formulated., Michael Bartoš, Eliška Padyšáková, Štěpán Janeček., and 7 barev. fot.
New insights into the evolutionary processes that have fostered the species richness of Cape flora (in particular genome duplication) have been gained by Czech researchers during the last few years. Pleasures and pains of botanical research in this world biodiversity hotspot are summarized. and Jan Suda.