Electrical properties of agricultural products depend on the distribution and transport of electric charges occurring in their structure. Light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength corresponding to a photon energy of few electron volts. From a first principal‘s point of view, electrical properties of agricultural products can be diveded into two fundamentally different groups, i.e. active and passive electric properties. Passive electrical properties are very close to the electrical properties of non-living objects, which react with the presence of an electromagnetic field at the lowest, i.e. atomic and particularly molecular levels. These properties are very important from an engineering point of view. The methods of measurement of these properties and the obtained data represent the main content of this contribution., Jiří Blahovec., and Obsahuje rozsáhlý seznam literatury
Motto: "Pevnolátkové osvětlování je dnes tam, kde byl Internet v 80. letech. Stejně jako jsme tehdy nemohli předpovědět, jaký bude Internet, dnes, o 30 let později, nedokážeme předvídat, co všechno se stane se světelnou technikou a osvětlováním v příštích dekádách. Víme jen, že to bude úžasné a krásné." Roland Haitz, During its long evolution, techniques for artificial lighting used four main principles: combustion, incandescence, gas discharge and luminescence. The injection electroluminescence (taking place in light-emitting diodes, LED) is probably the most efficient way of converting electricity into light. In this paper we describe the main advantages and disadvantages of LED based light sources, as well as some topics of current research such as laser based light sources. Finally, the possible health effects of artificial lighting are briefly discussed., Jan Valenta, Ivan Pelant., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article presents electron microscopy as a suitable source of inspiration for teaching physics at secondary school. Some specific examples explain the basic physical principles of these (sophisticated) devices. Today, electron microscopy is developing rapidly, and its inclusion in physics textbooks is highly desirable., Petr Vencelides, Jana Jurmanová., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This paper is a continuation of the first part [M. Lenc: „Electron waves and crystal lattices: part one - theory“, Čs. čas. fyz. 64, 99-103 (2014)], where we have given some remarks to the foundation of Schrödinger‘s wave mechanics. One of the first proofs of the new theory are experiments studying the diffraction of low and high energy electrons in crystal lattices. In detail we analyse the first pitfalls of the interpretation of the Davisson-Germer diffraction experiment with low energy electrons, which was more difficult than the Thomson‘s diffraction experiment with high energy electrons. Davisson and Thomson were in 1937 awarded by the Nobel prize., Michal Lenc., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V článku uvedeme několik poznámek k začátkům Schrödingerovy vlnové mechaniky, jejíž první výsledky byly pak ověřovány experimenty s difrakcí pomalých i rychlých elektronů na krystalových mřížkách. Ponecháváme tak stranou aplikace ve spektroskopii které možná byly pro prvotní přijetí kvantové teorie důležitější. V každém případě bylo brzké ověření de Broglieho vztahu mezi vlnovou délkou a hybností elektronu neobyčejně významné (a oceněno třemi Nobelovými cenami). Článek je věnován prof. RNDr. Martinu Černohorskému, CSc. k jeho významnému životnímu výročí., Michal Lenc., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The first author, a high-school student, together with the second author, a project supervisor, presents a simple model of the solidification of liquid wax poured into a cylindrical vessel. The results obtained with the model are tested in a series of experiments carried out inside cylindrical containers of different dimensions. There is a good agreement achieved between theory and experiment. The main goal of this project is to identify and investigate a physical phenomenon which would test and enhance students‘ creativity., Karolína Rezková, Jana Musilová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury