Pozadie: Článok sa zaoberá vybranými aspektmi ústretovosti českého zdravotníckeho systému z pohľadu slovenských imigrantov so zameraním na dostupnosť zdravotnej starostlivosti a komunikáciu medzi pacientom a lekárom. Metódy: Kvalitatívna štúdia bola realizovaná prostredníctvom rozhovorov u 20 Slovákov žijúcich v Českej republike. Výsledky: Najväčšie prekážky pri čerpaní zdravotnej starostlivosti vidia respondenti v nedostatočnom počte registračných miest u lekárov primárnej starostlivosti. Naopak respondenti boli spokojní s prístupom českých lekárov. Závery: Pravdepodobným dôvodom ťažkostí slovenských imigrantov pri registrácii u lekárov primárnej starostlivosti je pracovná preťaženosť lekárov., Background: The article deals with selected aspects of health system responsiveness from the perspective of Slovak immigrants in the Czech Republic. It focuses on access to health care and communication between patient and physician. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted through interviews with 20 Slovaks living in the Czech Republic. Results: The biggest obstacles to health care receiving consist, according to respondents, in inadequate number of registration places at primary care physicians. However, respondents were satisfied with physician`s approach in the Czech Republic. Conclusions: The probable reason for the difficulties of Slovak immigrants during registration at primary care physicians is the work overload of physicians in the Czech Republic., Jana Gabrielová, Iva Brabcová, and Literatura
Subject of this work is critical review of applications of selected qualitative research methods used in in health policy research. Attenti - on is paid mainly to discourse ana - lysis and critical discourse analysis. Possibilities of application of these research methods are discussed in the context of their developments in the 20th century., Háva P., Tušková E., Müller L., and Literatura