Maligní melanom je zhoubný kožní nádor s potenciálem metastazovat. Jeho incidence narůstá. V etiopatogenezi se uplatňují především genetické dispozice a vliv slunečního záření. Rozeznáváme 4 základní klinické varianty maligního melanomu: lentigo maligna melanoma, povrchně se šířící melanom, nodulární melanom a akrolentiginózní melanom. Melanom může metastazovat do kůže, podkoží, lymfatických uzlin nebo hematogenně do kteréhokoliv vnitřního orgánu. Prognóza tenkých melanomů je dobrá, chirurgická excize představuje často vyléčení pacienta. Naproti tomu prognóza tlustých a metastazujících melanomů je velice nepříznivá. V boji s melanomem jsou důležitá především preventivní opatření, vyhledávání rizikových pacientů, přesná diagnostika, odpovídající chirurgická léčba a dispenzarizace pacientů., Malignant melanoma is a malignant skin tumor with the tendency to metastasize. The incidence of melanoma increases. The genetic predisposition and UV radiation are the most important factors in the etiopathogenesis of melanoma. We distinguish 4 clinical subtypes of melanoma: lentigo maligna melanoma, superficial spreading melanoma, nodular melanoma and acrolentiginous melanoma. Malignant melanoma can metastasize into the skin, subcutis, lymph nodes or other visceral organs. The prognosis of thin melanomas is good in contrast to that of thick melanomas and melanomas with metastases. The preventive campaigns, screening of high-risk patients, accurate diagnostics, surgical therapy and follow-up of patients with melanoma are of major importance., Tomáš Fikrle, Karel Pizinger, and Lit.: 17
Bazaliom a spinaliom patří mezi nejčastější lidské tumory u populace se světlým typem kůže, v zemích s vysokým podílem slunečního záření a u imunosuprimovaných pacientů. Incidence těchto tumorů v posledních letech celosvětově stoupá. Oba nádory mají hodně společných znaků, ale jejich biologická podstata vykazuje fundamentální odlišnosti. Aktinická keratóza je dle nových trendů prezentována jako počínající stadium onemocnění, na jehož podkladě vzniká spinocelulární karcinom. Tyto nozologické jednotky se nověji zahrnují do jedné skupiny tumorů, označovaných jako nemelanomové kožní nádory (angl. nonmelanoma skin cancer = NMSC). Diagnóza se ve většině případů opírá o klinický obraz tumorů, nicméně histologická charakteristika má nezastupitelnou roli. Ačkoliv je zlatým standardem léčby chirurgická terapie, nové neinvazivní metody léčby se dostávají do popředí zájmu., Nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC), encompassing basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), is the most frequent cancer in fair-skinned populations, particularly frequent in coun tries with high sun exposure and in immu nosuppressed patients. The incidence of NMSC has increased dramatically worldwide. Although BCC and SCC possess many similar features, there are fundamentals biological differences. Actinic keratosis (AK) is thought to be part of a continuum along the path to the development of SCC. Most of the time the diagnosis of NMSC is based on clinical presentation, however histological findings play in some cases main role. Whereas surgery remains the gold-standard therapy for NMSC, noninvasive methods have shown promising results to treat superficial BCC, AK and subclinical lesions on large body areas., Barbora Divišová, Petra Cetkovská, Karel Pizinger, and Lit.: 14
Introduction Cutaneous malignant melanoma prevalence, incidence and mortality rates are increasing in white populations worldwide more rapidly than any other cancer site (American Cancer Society, 2006). Despite the potential importance of regular skin selfexamination and promotion of selfprotection practices, little is known about the prevalence of these practices in medical students in Albanian population. Methods This is a descriptive, quantitative crosssectional study. In this study were included a sample of 150 individuals chosen among the students of Faculty of Medicine based on their family history for skin cancer. This study was started on October the 3rd and finished on November the 12th. Subjects had to fill in a structured, selfadministered questionnaire. All participants lived within Republic of Albania but at the time of the study were students in University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine. Results In this study that we conducted we included 150 individuals supposed to have a risk for skin cancer based on their family history. 200 individuals were approached for participation. Of these, 150 individuals returned questionnaire data, yielding a response rate of 75% among eligible, successfully contacted participants. The mean age of the sample was 20.05 years (Std. Dev. = 0.925), with males (22%) and females (78%) represented unequally, because the gender configuration of the faculty itself has gender disparities with more than 80% females and only 20% male students. The majority of the sample was born in city or town (85.3%), 14.7% was born in a village. In terms of income level, 79.3% of participants had a medium income family background, 15.3% high income and 5.3% had a low income level family background. Conclusion It is important for those individuals with family history for skin cancer (which inherently indicates risk for skin cancer) to develop selfexamination and SSE behaviours and practices in order to have a protection and at least an early detection (if onset) of the different forms of Melanoma. The results of this study provide some guide as to the key areas or 'hot spots' on which to focus attention when designing supportive care interventions for melanoma survivors and those at high risk of skin cancer., Yllka Bilushi, Rozeta Luci, Loreta Kuneshka, Numila Maliqari, and Literatura