This article presents a study of the state of vegetative balance and prognostic possibilities of quantitative parameters of functional activity of VNS to estimate a state of bodily adaptive reserves in children with severe BA. Bronchial asthma, being one of the most common chronic diseases in childhood, requires further research into predisposing and causally-significant factors, mechanisms of pathogenesis and peculiarities of a clinical course, improvement of methods of diagnostics, treatment, and prevention. Great importance in the development of bronchial asthma in children is given to genetically-fixed functional insufficiency of barrier tissues of the respiratory system, increased ability to synthesize allergic antibodies and produce certain cytokines, high bronchopulmonary sensitivity to mediators of allergic inflammation, lowered sensitivity of 3g-adrenoreceptors to endogenous catecholamins, changes in immunologic responsiveness, and disorder of neuroendocrinal regulation of immune responses. Implementation of genetic predisposition to bronchial asthma development is promoted by influence of adverse environmental factors., Hurmatoy Khankeldieva, Ibrohim Alimjanov, Habiba Negmatshaeva, Mavjuda Abdullaeva, Temur Tojiboev, Marifat Ganieva, and Literatura
Na rubu tit. s.: Centro de Estudios Ibero-Americanos de la Universidad Carolina de Praga, Poznámky, and Czechoslovakia, Guatemala and Mexico in the Period of the Guatemalan Ravolution.