The corpus presented consists of job ads in Spanish related to Engineering positions in Peru.
The documents were preprocessed and annotated for POS tagging, NER, and topic modeling tasks.
The corpus is divided in two components:
- POS tagging/ NER training data: Consisting of 800 job ads, each one tokenized and manually annotated with POS tag information (EAGLE format) and Entity Label in BIO format.
- Topic modeling training data: containing 9000 documents stripped from stopwords. Comes in two formats:
* Whole text documents: containing all the information originally posted in the ad.
* Extracted chunks documents: containing chunks extracted by custom NER models (expected skills, tasks to perform, and preferred major), as described in Improving Topic Coherence Using Entity Extraction Denoising (to appear)
Background: In evidence-based education, experts are supposed to possess skills and content knowledge. Scientific skills provide the tools and ways of thinking that enable researches to build the robust conceptual frameworks needed to gain expertise. Science education should not only provide broad content knowledge base but also develop analytical thinking, understanding of scientific research processes, and inspire curiosity of researchers. Objectives: is paper discusses the key results of subjective evaluation of attained outcomes of a 2,5-year project focused on enhancing research competences in a faculty of health sciences. Methods: e data was gathered from project members by four consequent semi-structured online questionnaires. Total number of respondents was 78 (N = 78) with 75% response rate. e data was analysed by a summative content analysis combining quantitative and qualitative analyses. Results: e findings present evident progress in personal achievements, team working, and scientific practice in the faculty. Based on identified needs the concrete measures supported learning and lead to enhancement in the target group’s research competences. Conclusions: Capacity building approach was successful in laying a robust foundation for consistent development in research-based practice both in academic and professional levels. Further research should be conducted on the long-term impacts of the project in the faculty. and Andrew Sirkka, Juraj Čáp
Hyperurikémia v súčasnosti predstavuje novší uznávaný rizikový faktor pre kardiovaskulárne ochorenia. Údaje o jej prevalencii u nás a o jej liečbe doposiaľ v našej populácii sme presne nemali. Z literárnych údajov však vieme, že prevalencia hyperurikémie je rôzna v závislosti od rasových a geografických rozdielov a vyskytuje sa medzi 4–40 %. V hospitalizačných podmienkach jej prevalencia predstavuje približne 7 % a slúži ako dôležitý prediktor mortality, zvlášť pre zlyhanie srdca. Podľa Framinghamských údajov jej relatívne riziko predstavuje až 25 % pre kardiovaskulárne ochorenia, koronárnu chorobu srdca a mortalitu pre všetky príčiny. Z epidemiologického sledovania Zrkadlo Slovensko sme hodnotili hyperurikémiu zo vzorky 20 000 pacientov z ambulancií praktických lekárov na získanie približného obrazu o tomto novšom rizikovom faktore. Kľúčové slová: epidemiológia – hyperurikémia – kardiovaskulárne ochorenia – liečba, Hyperuricaemia represents nowaday the new risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Prevalence data and its treatment in our patient´s population are still missing. Literature data shows, that its prevalence differs in various populations significantly from 4 % up to 40 % with race and geographical means. In the hospital population its prevalence is about 7 % and represents the important predictor of hospital mortality, e.i with heart failure. From the Framingham data relative risk was estimated of 25 % for cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart disease and all-course mortality. From the epidemiologic survey Mirror Slovakia hyperuricaemia was evaluated from the sample of 20 000 patients from the primare care physicians in order to see the picture on this newer risk factor. Key words: cardiovascular diseases – epidemiology – hyperuricaemia – therapy, and Andrej Dukát, Peter Sabaka, Ján Gajdošík, Marjan Vrbnjak, Oliver Tlčimuka, Peter Gavorník, Ľudovít Gašpar, F. Šimko
Referáty z 12. zasedání k problematice sepulkrálních památek "Justorum autem animae in manu dei sunt" v Praze 31. 10. - 1. 11. 2013 a ze 13. zasedání "O mors, quam amara est memoria tua" v Praze 30. - 31. 10. 2014